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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 10, 2023

First played

May 8, 2023

Platforms Played


A short but incredibly fun experience, there's not many games out there like Katamari Damacy

It's interesting to consider that it's really in a league of it's own without many taking inspiration from it, the only thing really springing to mind currently being Donut County. What's also impressive is how little Katamari has aged, it's charming minimalist aesthetics and controls are just as solid as when they launched. Sure, Re-rolls HD-ification of it helps but in terms of visuals alone it's endlessly charming.

It's short, yes, able to be completed in about 4-5 hours if you just want to rush through, and only offers a handful of levels (albeit expanding each time you play), but it hits a sweet spot where it doesn't overstay it's welcome with the contents that it has. Don't get me wrong, I feel there's potential for a lot more (potential that most likely is explored in it's sequels), but I had a wonderful time with what's there.

The controls are good, the physics can get a little funky at times, but in a game where almost every asset can be absorbed into a cataclysmic snowball I think it can be excused for the few times the Katamari gets stuck or clips through the world.