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I'll have to admit that maybe nostalgia plays a role here, but I'm really not kidding when I say that the racetracks in this game have some of the best track designs that I've ever seen in any racing game. Some of these tracks are so long that require around 1:30 minute laps, maybe even longer for more casual players or children. The AI was also not very forgiving! Especially around the second time the levels have to be beaten; I remember having a rather tough time trying to beat them when I was young. However, with great level design come great shortcuts. If there's anything I love about racing games of that time is how abundant in shortcuts they are. These levels can have up to 5 shortcuts, ranging from small cuts to alternate routes to hidden passages to doorways that have to be opened by going through three rings that are scattered around the track. Some of these shortcuts are so well hidden that I didn't even discover them until I replayed the game not long ago! It's really a lot of fun to go through these tracks, which also have amazing theming, being based upon real rides and attractions at Disneyland. The trophy game was also a cool addition that tested your knowledge and familiarity with the track, especially to see if you've discovered those sneaky shortcuts I was talking about earlier! Overall I really enjoyed this game, and I still think modern racing games should look back to this period and check if they can learn a thing or two from it :)