Interesting game in VR. It is a well thought out sport for VR headset. It just doesnt feel like a video game, or what I like about video games. Its like playing a VR version of ping pong. It is more of a sport then a video game. Not what I like.

Really fun local multiplayer. I played this at BGM tower. Lots of different characters with different powers running through levels together. Very fast paced and silly. Enjoyable game.

Played this in VR. Very atmospheric, but I could never really get into the game play. Just wandering around trying not to get killed by an unstoppable monster. Just really not fun for me.

This was a fun shooter looter. This was the first borderlands I played, but I think they are all about the same. Once you have played one, the others are just more of the same thing. But this is a fun game. Not sure that I am interested in playing any of the others now.

I loved FFXIII the original. This one was boring and confusing. Could not get into it and will never try to get back into it. Disappointed.

I used to play this game until the disc would go bad. I bought this game probably 3 times because I needed a new disc. This was my first MMORPG and I loved it. The servers are down now and I am sure if I could try it again it would seem horrible, but at the time I loved this game.

Very boring. The VR was very beautiful for the time, but there are prettier games out now. The story wasnt interesting and the game play was almost none existent. Stupid vision puzzles.

This game has cool artwork, but its super creepy. I hate the creepy art. The game play is tight and good, but punishing. It is actually punishing in a way that isnt fun to me. I like tough games, but this one just didnt do it for me. The story is also pretty creepy.

This was a mobile game ported to pc. Its fine, just not good enough to spend much time in. Bad graphics, basic, clunky. There are better games to play in VR.

Tried several times to get into this. Couldnt really get into it. Didnt care about it, wasnt that fun.

Never put very many hours into this, but it requires you to stay up to date to with current releases. You cant play on your own terms. The game is not bad, but the way that it is implemented makes me not want to get into it.

Took everything that Starcraft was doing and made it better. This game was awesome. They added the hero concept. Really powerful unit that can level up to fight along with your army. I loved this game.

Table tennis in Vr. Physics are great. This is a very well done game for what it is, but if I wanted to play Table tennis I wouldnt play a video game.

All of these new batman games are done really well. Combat is fun. Stealth is fun. These games really feel like batman. They are just fun games. This builds on the first one. Same game, but everything is better.

Tried to like this because everyone does. Just doing a bunch of illegal things to make money or just be destructive is not interesting to me. This game is just about breaking the law with no redeemable reason to. A lot of people like this concept, but I just find it boring. The game play is fine, but I just dont care about any of the characters and find no reason to keep playing. I could never finish this one.