The original and purest hack 'n' slash game. Some might find it hard to return to after DMC went full CUH-RAYZEE but over time I find myself preferring this game's approach to combat. The guns are actually viable in this game, for one.
Also in love with the atmosphere, it may have been a holdover from the cancelled RE4 project that this was built on top of but a giant gothic castle is always appealing. Also knows when to let you walk around areas in silence with deep fog and heavy winds with no music - Devil May Cry used to actually be kind of creepy.
The most 'controlled' of all the games too, each enemy is carefully placed and considered without prioritizing making things into into a combo-fest.
It's kind of remarkable how this game did basically everything right and created my favorite genre of action games in the process.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2022
