rec me a game!

been in a weird slump for a while where i'm bouncing off a lot of the games i try, maybe opening this up will help

right now i'm particularly interested in late 90s-early 00s pc games, but i'll take a genuine look at any recs. i understand that my own tastes might be a bit nebulous from my logged games and the fact that i haven't connected super hard with anyone here just yet, so just suggest anything you like :) my only ask is that suggests be cheap or easily emulatable

Touhou Koumakyou: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Touhou Koumakyou: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
moschidae; stand-in for Whichever Game I Start With because this is the only one i know the name of lol
played! i liked it
Legend of Mana
Legend of Mana
Cave Story
Cave Story
Drill Dozer
Drill Dozer
Drax, hilda
Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi
Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi


1 year ago

The touhou series has some really good games that came out around that time, theyre pretty easy to pick up... my favorite game, wbatwc, is more recent but theyre all really fun

And if you like rpgs ill always reccomend legend of mana... very inspiring and such a pretty game.

1 year ago

@moschidae pretty good timing on both! i've been looking at more shmups for a little while and had touhou on the radar for a little while (had one or two friends off-site mention it as well). and i'm not usually a big rpg fan but i think i'm in the right mood to give some a go. i'll stick both of them on, thanks for the recs!

1 year ago

No problem, i hope you enjoy them both!

1 year ago

Hmm, got a couple of suggestions for platformers I suppose. How about Drill Dozer on the GBA or the original Cave Story?

1 year ago

I second drill dozer, I don't really have any go to recs but Chibi Robo has been a life long favorite of mine if you're able to emulate gamecube stuff. Wish I knew more about older PC games, but Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi is pretty cool

1 year ago

As far as late 90s-early 00s PC games go I always thought Sacrifice was pretty interesting, it's like an RTS/Third-Person spellcaster game and the campaign is fully voiced. I got it for very cheap on GOG a long while ago.

1 year ago

thanks for the recs everyone!!

@Drax i actually bounced off drill dozer when i tried it, but to be honest this was a good few years ago and i don't really remember why lol. more than willing to give it another go. i think cave story has been brewing at the back of my mind since i first ever heard of it, so that'll be cool to get to as well

@hilda always been curious about chibi-robo, i don't really know anything about it but the fact that it has a pretty noticeable following is really intriguing. nosferatu wouldn't normally be the sort of thing i play but it's quite literally 44p on gog right now so what's the harm lol

@Vee ooh sacrifice looks like pretty much exactly the sort of thing i'm looking for!! def gonna shortlist that one

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