3 reviews liked by fanoflight



Hades is iconic at this point, everyone knows it. The game is one of the best at keeping every death in a roguelite canonical without making you feel bad about your failures, which I think is a huge factor in its success. The fact that you literally can not progress the story without dying now and then makes it all feel very "business as usual".

The game itself is solid! I don't enjoy the combat as much as some but even I love the experience of just running around with the shield and facetanking everything. Great fun!

The main strength of the game though, is its story. The main storyline itself is quite excelllent but you'll find yourself so invested in pretty much every NPC that you'll want to resolve their sideplot just to see them happy!

In summary: it's an obvious classic for a reason. I genuinely like it, even if I don't feel as strongly about it as many.

Best walking simulator, nobody did it like her, prove me wrong.