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Time Played

5h 0m

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(I played the Rock Band 3 Deluxe edition by Milohax)

Well, It's good! Great selection of songs even on just the base game, but i think the biggest thing here is that while it is building off of everything that makes Rock Band fun, especially with friends/family, it also kinda loses it's style? and that's a big thing for me. Animations aren't quite as good, the cameras and venues aren't really as fun, and it kinda feels more like it's trying to emulate pop instead of, well, a Rock Band. It doesn't help that RB3 doesn't have a traditional "campaign" like getting enough stars to go city to city? granted, in the older games it's not as hard are a focus, because building stars is pretty easy and unlocking venues just kinda happens.
It ended up that I just started to play Rock Band 2 instead and I'm having a much better time, however with the RB3 Deluxe mod there's just so much more of a selection that once I finish RB2's "campaign" I'm just gonna go back to RB3 to play music or, even better, YARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!