Fallout 4 2015

Log Status






Time Played

247h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 1, 2023

First played

November 10, 2015

Platforms Played


250 hours. 7 years. And I've finally, FINALLY, beaten Fallout 4's main story. I've played this many times and gotten far into it before, but never finished the story, so this was a big milestone for me.

I love the Fallout series, even if each 3D game entry has a lot of flaws, whether it's the seemingly endless bugs for all games or the meh combat of 3 and New Vegas. But what I loved in both games was the dialogue, the way I could just talk endlessly with people about tons of topics and the way I could pass skill checks based on how I built my character.

So when I got my hands on Fallout 4 to realize that this was not the case, I obviously was pretty disappointed. That hasn't changed. I still despise the dialogue system in Fallout 4 and the illusion of choice. I also still dislike a voiced main character, even if the male one in particular has actually done a great job.

However, the game has grown on me over the years for all the things it improves upon compared to the two prior titles, plus for all those things that Fallout 4 does just as well as 3 and NV.

First, the world building and exploration is still fantastic. There are so many locations to discover, so many interesting activities and side quests to do in those locations and so much environmental storytelling to observe.

Second, the combat improved a lot in this game, and I actually had plenty of fun with it. The amount of customization options to mod your weapons and armor is also something I enjoy, not to mention the ability to find Legendary weapons.

Settlement building is something that I never dabbled with on any playthrough for more than a couple hours, but I appreciate its existence and it's been fun whenever I did build something. To think people can just spend dozens of hours of building settlements is pretty cool.

Finally, companions in this game are pretty varied in character and I really like how they open up to you as you spend more time with them, which lets you learn more about them and/or do companion quests.

So Fallout 4 is actually, in my opinion, a great game, it's just not a great Fallout game. I guess a silver lining in that regard is that Fallout 4 had to do a lot of wrong in order for Bethesda to (hopefully) get it more right with Starfield. And in that regard, all I can say about Fallout 4 is that it got me even more excited about Starfield than I already am, as there still is nothing like a Bethesda RPG.