no you don't get it it's not fun on purpose

i love xcom and xcom loves me i love xcom and xcom loves me i love xcom and xcom loves me i love xcom and xcom loves me i love xcom and xcom loves me i love xcom and xcom loves me i love xcom and xcom loves me i love xcom and xcom loves me i love xcom and xcom loves me i love xcom and xcom loves me

fond memories of this guy getting really pissy about people calling him out (rightfully) for just making a binding of isaac clone

back in like 2014-2015 it felt like everyone and their mother - even Ubisoft for christ's sake - was trying to capture the feel of a goofy action b-movie. none of them succeeded.

legitimately think of less of anyone who likes david cage games especially this shit

It's fun at first but at a certain point you have to start farming for a new type of currency and it is maybe one of the most tedious grinds I have ever attempted in any video game.