36 reviews liked by gabrieuum

I can tell there's interesting stuff in here but it's so fundamentally broken that it doesn't matter.

That and the ideology behind this game strays so far from what Fallout (even Bethesda Fallout) has historically stood for that I just do not have the patience to find what's good in here. It runs like ass anyway.

I went with extremely low spectatives, a few guys said that the game did get better with time and that the wastelanders update made the game way better.
I purchased it while it was on sale, the moment I left the initial vault the game began to freeze constantly until I got disconnected from the server.
Like a wise man once said, "What's the most important aspect of a video game? Being able to fucking play it!"

I don't understand how Bethesda messed up this bad

Ao mesmo tempo que senti que isso é sim um Fallout, me deu uma sensação estranha de vazio. Os elementos que gosto da série estão lá mas parece que falta algo. É tão sem graça jogar solo.

Fallout 76 deu a volta por cima e é bom reconhecer isso, foi um dos raros jogos que tiveram lançamentos desastrosos mas recuperou o sucesso ao longo de sua jornada.

No momento não consigo me divertir nessa versão, mas quem sabe eu pego pra jogar outra hora.

Tem algo muito errado com esses RPGs da Bethesda... tipo, já deu, sabe?
Fallout 76 não é tãaaaaoo ruim quanto eu pensava, só não dá pra engolir um jogo de 300h com um conteúdo tão chato.

Construir bases, ficar com inventário cheio de tranqueira, missões vazias e repetitivas, voice acting que parece IA... isso não engaja mais.

Muito se fala do design de jogos da Ubisoft ser uma merda, mas eu acho que desgosto tanto quanto (ou talvez mais) da Bethesda...

I can't hold back anymore... I can't handle this kind of gaslighting online that has been going on recently full of revisionism and blatant rabid MMO fan shit. Fallout 76 is pure slop to the highest degree. It's an insult to the players time and intelligence. The gameplay is worse than 4 extremely unresponsive and braindead. The quest design boils down to grabbing something and then taking to it another location. Every. Single. Time. Not even the main quests are interesting. The map is insanely goofy for what a fallout game should look like. You're telling me California looks the same in fallout but all of a sudden West Virginia has shit piss and vomit colour scheme forests everywhere? Yes I DESPISE this game. I always have and no the updates didn't fix shit. Now you can talk to extremely bland NPCs with wastelanders who are comically good or comically evilish. They couldn't even make the faction quests interesting like the enclave is just talking to a really lame computer and doing his chores around the map. Guess what? More MMO slop where it needs to make you take up as much time as possible doing multiple super insignificant quests to pad out your playtime and make you artificially feel like you're getting somewhere. No this game ISNT "good now." This game ISNT just blindly hated on. Its just your average MMO fans who wasted hundreds of hours doing absolutely nothing trying to find any reason to justify themselves from doing jack shit.
Yeah this is a super heated review but because this is genuinely everything wrong with a video game. Taking a franchise which already got dummed down with fallout 4 and then turning it into pure slop with an online only MMO. How fun. I wouldn't even hate on it if it wasn't extremely boring from every way you look at it. And no. It's not "fun with friends" either. Fallout is shit and people who unironically defend this game after everything Bethesda has done are the reason why.

Sure, it is not as bad as before, but for me it is still not enjoyable to play. I get bored very quickly everytime I'm giving it another chance.
There is also this extremely annoying lag between starting an action and it actually being performed that drives me nuts.

He might just be the greatest Dave to ever do it. Dave the Diver is a game that succeeds in blending a very fun sea diving adventure with a cool restaurant simulator that, for better or worse, is constantly trying to expand on itself.

The gameplay mainly revolves around diving into the vast sea and gathering materials and ingredients during the day, and then using what you acquired to create dishes for your sushi bar which you operate during the night. This day/night loop hooked me from the very beginning and it stayed that way for a good chunk of my playtime. Exploring the ocean and discovering/catching all the aquatic life was very fun and you're given a lot of tools and upgrades to work with. The restaurant management section of the game starts out very slow but quickly picks up once you start building up your rating and more things are opened up to you. I honestly ended up enjoying it more than the diving section by the time I was done with the main story.

Speaking of the story, I ended up really liking that as well. It's silly, endearing, and pretty well-paced for the most part. I think what really makes it shine though are the characters. The main cast is really cool and each of them have their own little quirks that make them stand out. The way they interact with Dave, whether helping him out in some way or just simple banter, is really nice. I ended up liking a lot of these characters more than I originally assumed I would. Trust me when I tell you Bancho is the coolest character in the game.

The game is also really good-looking. The 2D-pixel art is really appealing to look at and the cutscenes are really over the top in the best way possible, they fit each character perfectly, and I rarely ever skipped them.

Remember when I said this game constantly tries to expand on itself for better or worse? Yeah, that's my main issue with it. This game constantly introduces new mechanics, features, minigames, etc.(especially in the 2nd half) in what I assume is to try to keep the gameplay loop fresh. While some of the things they introduced are nice, how they went about it and the sheer amount of stuff brought in is almost overwhelming. By the end of the game, a lot of it just felt like I was just doing busy work. Getting overloaded with a constant flow of new information...now I know how Jogo felt.

Despite the issues, I really enjoyed my time with Dave the Diver and I do recommend it. Not sure if I would call it a "cozy" game like a lot of other people do tho.

I will start with the good. The art style is very nice and the animations are very charming. The main loop of diving and running the restaurant is nice, although it gets quite repetitive.

Now let's talk about the bad. There are just too many systems that get thrown in that are barely fleshed out. It's a mile wide and an inch deep. Much of these systems just feel like busywork, such as the farming. I think the game would have benefited from having less systems, but refining the core diving and restaurant loop.

For me, the thing that made Dragons Dogma special was how raw it was. In a world of incredibly user-friendly high fantasy narratives and safe, padded RPG systems, this extremely unorthodox approach to design and Capcoms weird lil brand of combat behavior made for a surprisingly engaging experience (even when it kind of sucked). Something sort of accidentally brilliant, a diamond in the rough.

Things like user-sourced NPCs to populate the world and community-pooled boss fights are obviously avant garde on the network side, but I have a fondness for even the much-aligned Portcrystal system. Personalized fast travel means making decisions about where /you/ care about going and nesting in these parts of the game world. I would put Portcrystals inside tents next to merchants and it was almost like taking ownership of those places.