4 Reviews liked by gallvez27

Tons of party fun that's just lacking a little bit of customization and features. The mods can help a lot but would love to see more official content.

An absolutely beautiful love letter to 80s sci-fi that falls a little short on gameplay progression. Every cut scene/animation is great fun to watch (except for the door opening clip which plays all too often) and several of them had me "wow'd" while I was playing. The way sprites change resolution as they get closer to the screen is a feature I've never seen done to this extent. Sadly, the gameplay is too railed to keep my wanting to finish and the conversations seem more choic- less than what the game's description claims. Apparently there's romance? I played quite a bit and never experienced a romance aspect, but the level of scripted play makes the game feel more like a visual novel with investigative elements being filler. I wouldn't say it's boring, but the most fun is definitely experiencing the visual style.



Incredibly beautiful game with so much passion and respect towards fine arts, such as water color painting, sculpting, and more. The music is equally mesmerizing and queues perfectly with moments in the game. The game wants you to take your time and smell the roses in every puzzle, which sometimes slows the experience. The challenges are just complex enough but the time between them often feels like autopilot or a beautiful cut scene. Requires some patience, and watching videos as opposed to playing could satisfy enough.