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November 18, 2021

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Uncharted: Lost Legacy is a “new beginning” and treasure hunter murder simulator developed by Naughty Dog as a standalone expansion pack/DLC/sequel to Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End starring series favorite Chloe Frazier and Uncharted 4 antagonist Nadine Ross. This game was originally developed as a “bonus DLC” (along with the idea of an Uncharted 5 that was rejected) according to TVTropes, before being pushed into a full game in itself. Ideas were apparently thrown around which include a nixed Sully and Sam adventure, a nixed Sully in the past adventure and a definitely nixed Cassie adventure before they ultimately settled on Chloe as the protagonist of the title. Kurt Margenau and Shaun Escayg were brought on as the leads for the game after Bruce Straley left following a sabbatical and Neil Druckmann went on to develop The Last of Us Part II. What resulted was the announcement of Lost Legacy during a Playstation Experience event a couple of months after Uncharted 4’s debut and was released in August of 2017 which also featured critical acclaim of sorts.

The adventure begins with Chloe Frazier in an Indian marketplace talking to a small child who wants a small Ganesh trinket after Chloe falls short on paying for something at her stand. This sets the backdrop of the political climate in the city, as the small child’s father originally ran the stand until he abandoned her and joined up with the Indian military to fight off “the devils”. In the middle of this exchange, she sees a truck pull up nearby and goes over to investigate as the little girl accosts her and attempts to steal her trinket which Chloe finds to be impressive. When Chloe attempts to sneak onto the truck, the little girl points out that these men are “rebels” who hurt people, alluding to the “devils from earlier. Chloe tells her that she needs to find her friend but when she gets back, the pizza is on her which the little girl agrees to. This little girl becomes sort of an anchor point later on but for now she distracts a guard which allows Chloe to climb onto the truck.

When she sneaks off of the truck she’s further in the city, where these rebels have a stranglehold on the entire population due to the active warzone. Sneaking through the numerous buildings (and getting near sexually harassed at a traffic stop), she makes her way to a nearby rooftop where she gets into a fist fight with goons to be saved by another figure: Nadine Ross. She was hired for this job by Chloe to track down and find Asav, a “warmonger” who is leading the rebels against the Indian Government whom Nadine seems to be familiar with. The two are at odds at first, due to Nadine’s super serious and calculated methods while Chloe is more spontaneous but the two spy on Asav who walks back into his base of operations. Chloe and Nadine jump and climb through the rooftops and break in to find clues, one of which is a map which points to a Tusk and the location of an ancient empire named the Hoysala as well as a small disc with two elephants on it. Afterwards Asav and his men break in, somehow learning of the two breaking in. Asav focuses on Nadine, and taunts her about how Shoreline is “under new management”. Chloe interjects and distracts long enough to get close to a table so she can knock it over, setting the place ablaze while her and Nadine jump out of a window and onto the nearby rooftops. Going through the carnage and getting chased out, the two argue over Chloe’s “improvisation”, which Nadine felt that she was going to sell her out. This and Chloe’s attitude over the war not “being her fight” lead to some bickering but lots of shooting lead the two to bolt towards the river and manage to slide down a clothesline and are presumably picked up by a boat.

Making their way towards land, Chloe seems to know more about Asav and his “expert” then she lets on as she solves the small disc and learns that it’s a key that solves a puzzle, one of which involves Hindu folklore involving a battle with Ganesh and it’s tusk. She also hints about her father teaching her about this folklore before it cuts to the two at the Ghats. The two follow a trail to the gates of the Hoysala Empire only to find Asav’s men already there, and after a brief run in they charge their way through and find a huge landscape along with a tower. Climbing this tower, Chloe correlates that on the disc are three symbols that represent the three locations they need to go to in order to unlock….something. They go to each of these smallish temples (and possibly explore more) and unlock/push a wheel which opens up a larger part of another gate by activating a giant waterfall. Along the way they talk about each other's motives and past, like Chloe’s past with the Drakes along with Nadine’s need to take Shoreline back from the traitors who usurped her.

The two go through the gate to find an even bigger waterfall with a giant statue of Ganesh sitting on top of it. Chloe reveals that her dad died in not so many words and the two make their way over to climb through a hole in the top of the tower. After admiring the sick ass view, they rapel their way down to find an ancient temple filled with the skeletal remains of dead soldiers along with some sort of puzzle re-enactment of ancient history. After finishing it, they discover that the Tusk was never there to begin with as a sort of false distraction against the real location at a different city. The two get along and gather a new sense of respect for each other before they leave as Asav’s men arrive to investigate the commotion. The two punch and shoot their way through the rebels and crash their way into an old and abandoned temple where the two run into Asav, or what actually happened: Asav drove a fucking APC through a wall the two were climbing. Not in a very great mood, Asav steals the disc from the two and has a whole spiel about the young Hoysala king who he deemed weak while he says the old kings knew that “progress demands sacrifice”, attempting to fit himself into some historical mold. Almost executing Chloe, Nadine distracts the others long enough for Chloe to disarm Asav and engage in a giant brawl. It ends in Asav’s men getting crushed but with Asav beating up both Nadine AND Chloe and it ends with the two being thrown down an aqueduct. The two make their way out of that temple and climb to the surface, where they attempt to make their way to the other capital. While there, the two spy on Asav’s forces to find that Asav’s expert is none other than Samuel Drake, whom Nadine wants dead over the events of the last game. Chloe then drops another bomb: she knows about the “expert” because she was working with him before he was kidnapped by Asav and that she had to lie to Nadine to get her to join up. Nadine proceeds to punch her in the mouth and mistrust is sewn once again as she feels that she’ll get cut out of the operation by both Sam AND Chloe.

Nadine drives off with their jeep and Chloe races on foot to catch up while making her way through numerous Asav goons and finding her way back to the Western Ghats. Chloe finds Nadine after shooting through numerous more goons but the two begrudgingly work together again to make their way through another secret door that supposedly leads to the location of the Ganesh (called the “Back Door” by Chloe). However, soon they make amends again after going through a bonding session riding on the top of elephants where Chloe reveals that her father died after bandits raided his camp while he was looking for the Tusk himself. Climbing up and entering ANOTHER temple, this time the cliffside reveals a lot of Asav’s men which they mow down before they finally find the Tusk of Ganesh (I think?). This tusk is giant, beautiful and glittering with gold; however, they're eventually captured by Asav’s men who gets wise and ties up Drake next to Nadine and Chloe. Asav steals back the disc and uses it to open up another pathway Moses style before walking everyone out to a chamber revealing test, the answer poking a hole in Asav’s worldview. His view is that Sacrifice is Progress, while Chloe points out that what happened with the Tusk reveals that “In the process, she discovers that Ganesh allowed Parashurama to cut off his tusk; as Shiva gave the axe to him, Ganesh did not want to shame his father by proving the axe useless.” according to the Wiki. I’m not too crazy of a historical guy so I’m not sure 100 percent of all of the mythology but they explain it better in game, point is that Asav’s point was wrong. Chloe solves the rest and reveals the ACTUAL tusk, which Asav proceeds to plant bombs around and attempts to drown them while they’re handcuffed to a nearby railing. Chloe picks through the locks and they escape to the top.

They get to the surface before a helicopter flies over, and Sam reveals that Asav was going to sell the Tusk in exchange for weapons. Sam and Nadine make a passive aggressive sort of peace and the three travel by Jeep to find that they’re selling the Tusk near and the three teamwork their way through climbing obstacles and Asav goons to learn that they’re selling the Tusk to Shoreline, which infuriates Nadine to no end as she was ousted by her lieutenant Orca at the end of Uncharted 4. The three kill the goons near the helicopter and bring it down with Orca in it, killing everyone and taking the Tusk back where it’s revealed that Orca gave Asav a fucking giant bomb in exchange for the Tusk. Orca dies by gunshot after attempting to pull one himself and it’s learned that Asav plans to bomb the nearby city to provoke the revolution he desires. Chloe grows a conscience and gets tired of running away from responsibility, as she’s now willing to die to save everyone’s life including the little girl whom she promised pizza.

The three chase after the train and redirect the train with bomb away from the city; Nadine and Chloe proceed to clean house in the train and then fight Asav with the bomb nearby. The tables are turned this time, with Asav getting his lab trapped under the bomb while ranting about the beauty of his “cleansing”. The train falls off the track into a river and the bomb explodes while Chloe and Nadine climb up to Sam. They all sit and gaze out into the sunset while celebrating their new partnership, with Nadine and Chloe deciding to donate the Tusk to the Ministry of Culture. The three then go back to the little girl from the beginning with the pizza, Sam begs to not give the Tusk back but the girl gives Sam a pizza and tells him not to ruin the moment. From here, the Platinum pops up and the story is fin.

So how’s the plot for the game? I enjoyed it a lot, it was a smaller scale yet still a fun adventure. It certainly took a fucking turn towards the end with the reveal of a giant ass bomb. I think the main draw of the game is honestly the chemistry and character developments of Chloe and Nadine. The two start out as bickering associates, with Nadine in particular being the most frustrated due to her legacy, Shoreline, being usurped by another mercenary and perverted into something that affects her reputation and dare I say, Legacy (or Lost…Legacy? Sorry my bad lol). Chloe’s a lot more chill here and helps Nadine warm up, bolstering both a friendship and a partnership (with a few bumps in the way due to Sam Drake’s inclusion) but she also has her own stake in the adventure too as it directly correlates to her family. Sam’s inclusion here is okay, it’s not bad and he serves his purpose and builds into his own place in the group as both Sam and Nadine make amends for Uncharted 4’s events. The plot itself is tightly paced as well for 9 chapters, with most of the game taking place in the Western Ghats and the ruins of the Hoysala Empire and I feel like the smaller scope helped flesh out the characters a lot more as the focus rather than going bombastic and crazy with it. The game feels like a sort of prologue, the beginning of a new legacy (lol) for the Uncharted series, the potential of a new direction for the franchise and the one main reason that I would want to see the games continue to be honest. So I like this game a lot, though with the position this game is within the franchise it feels like a new beginning that hasn’t gotten off of the ground in seven years.

The gameplay for this title, as a standalone expansion to the previous numbered title, is still basically the same. It plays like an Uncharted game where you can melee, shoot, solve puzzles, collect treasure (another Last of Us collectible in the form of a Skull with googly eyes pops up here) climb and fuck around like the previous game did. There are driving segments in two separate chapters (4 and I believe the last one) where you can drive around with decent car controls though the last chapter has you jumping in between vehicles and a train during a bombastic chase sequence. I’ll at least say for Chapter 4 that it’s a pretty decent sized open world with different side objectives that allow for hidden treasures as well as collectibles, and if you find all of the Hoysala Tokens in Chapter 4 it’ll give you The Queen’s Bracelet, which will alert you to nearby treasures…if you’re not already using a guide of course like I did. Still, it’s a pretty cool idea! They also throw in silenced weapons here which I don’t remember being in Uncharted 4 along with the lockpicking minigame, which is about as simple as Skyrim made it back in 2011. After you beat the game you can use Completion Points to unlock alternate skins, cheats for weapons and render modes for the background along with the same gameplay modifiers that belonged in Uncharted 4. Those are most of the gameplay changes I can honestly think of, again it came out only a year after Uncharted 4 so nothing has really changed in the year or so it took to develop this game as far as I’m aware. Overall, for those who enjoy the Uncharted formula you’ll still enjoy it as it’s more of the same and that’s okay.

As a standalone title based around Uncharted 4’s engine and graphic style, all I can sum up in terms of the graphics is that like the previous game it looks beautiful. There’s nothing new to add in that department, however the art style and locations are pretty beautiful if not really varied. You’ll mostly see two separate locations only: the city, which looks downtrodden and under oppression due to the civil war yet distinct in it’s own lighting; and the Indian jungles on the hunt for the Tusk of Ganesh. The jungles surrounding the Western Ghats, while still looking similar to the other jungles in the series, have a certain unique vibe to it that I can’t really put my finger on. I’m not sure if it’s the open ended layout and the level design but I feel like it was much more memorable than the previous environments in the series. However my favorite environment of them all is the area with the elephants as other than it’s cool as fuck seeing adorable ass elephants, the water is pristine and bright blue while the surrounding darkness just gives it this “nature is awesome” factor that I adore. That’s pretty much all I have to say for the graphics and art design; however as always, the sound design between the gun sounds, the surrounding environment noises and all of that is fantastic. I have nothing new to add to that so there’s no real point in trying to come up with something I have no real feelings on. The same with the music persay, it’s more orchestral stuff but it has more of an Indian sound to it that helps enhance the adventure mood of Lost Legacy but nothing that really smacks me in the tits and gets me super hyped or anything super memorable. This is not a disrespect to Henry Jackman who created the music like he did Uncharted 4, but again an acknowledgement that not everything needs to be super memorable to be good and that music that fades into the background and enhances the mood without breaking focus is just as good to the immersion it brings to the game. There’s apparently a song by M.I.A. called Borders but I don’t remember it being in the game much either so if you listen to M.I.A. keep a lookout I suppose.

So how is the voice acting? It’s still pretty solid, with Laura Bailey and Troy Baker returning as Nadine Ross and Samuel “Troy Baker” Drake who do a great job (fantastic with Laura Bailey) returning as their previous character. Claudia Black as Chloe Frazier to me is the best one but that’s because she plays her character so charismatically well that it overshadows everything else EXCEPT Laura Bailey. I enjoyed the banter between Chloe’s more casual personality and the seriousness that Nadine gives off and the performance between Claudia Black and Laura Bailey just excels the fun adventure vibe the game gives off more than the previous game did. The only other voice actor I can recognize is Gideon Emery (who played Gideon in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare) as Orca the mercenary because he’s been in a couple of other games that I recognize like Wolfenstein: The New Order. Usman Ally plays the main antagonist/terrorist Asav pretty well, with Asav being this more quiet yet still threatening bad guy for the two to face. He was recruited by Shaun Escayg after “meeting with Shaun to discuss the character and our shared experience of living through or having family members who have lived through despotic regimes that had their roots in what was perceived as a noble cause” according to an interview at thekoalition (link below). Otherwise, the voice acting and dialogue per usual is still good and on par with Uncharted 4 so nothing crazy here.

What are my thoughts on this game? Well, it’s a smaller styled expansion pack to Uncharted 4, and as such it’s very much an accessible game. I don’t really feel like I have much to talk about as an overall game as it’s a solid title with a nice adventure with great characters and more importantly, unlimited potential for the future. As I said in my Uncharted 4 review, I feel like Drake's story has come to an end for the most part. IF there’s any hope of continuation, it would be in the form of a new protagonist: I personally wouldn’t want Drake’s daughter to follow along because it wouldn’t personally make sense for me, while Sully can only really go so far due to age and character development himself. That’s why this title feels like the perfect jumping off point for everyone: if you still want a Drake that can update everyone on the family then Sam is here (though I know people are mixed on him) and as a character I believe he can grow to be his own person other than Nathan’s brother. Nadine is pretty cool and grows into a better person here, leaving her life of Shoreline behind and Chloe is honestly the perfect successor to Nathan’s role anyways! Like if Naughty Dog wanted to create more Uncharted that didn’t involve reboots or remakes (which I wouldn’t care for much of a remake except if it’s ported to PC or MAYBE Golden Abyss) then THIS would honestly be the way to do it. I would love to play future installments that involve Chloe, Nadine and Sam as they travel to different locations around the world and perhaps get involved in certain adventures themselves. My guess is that since Uncharted 4 took place 3 years after 3 then this would take place 1 year after 4 so you have a decent amount of years to perhaps create another trilogy IF you wanted to. If not, then that’s perfectly fine too as sometimes things can have a finality to it. Unfortunately for my potential future Uncharted hopes and dreams, the future doesn’t seem to revolve around any future installments with that.

As said in the Uncharted 4 review, the future mostly resides around The Last of Us at the current moment. Between The Last of Us II that would release three years later, a remake of the first one (to PS5 and PC) and then a remaster of Part II (to just PS5 for now) along with HBO adaptations and with a canceled Last of Us multiplayer project. Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy would later be ported to PS5 and PC as the “Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection”, with an Uncharted movie released in 2022 with Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg as Nathan and Sully. It was recently confirmed that the script for Uncharted 2 has finally been sent into Marky Marky from the funky bunch so who knows, maybe that’ll be solid? As always I hope they decide to port Uncharted 1-3 and Golden Abyss to PC at some point and who knows, maybe Uncharted will have a revitalization though if the supposed rumors of an Uncharted 1 remake were to come about? Maybe but I doubt it.










