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This game is great! Don't play it. If you are playing Limbus or Ruina and thinking "wow I really want to play Lobo Corp!" No you don't. Change your mind.

What's good about this game? The story and the early game.
Figuring out the mechanics of this game is actually extremely entertaining. Learning about abnormalities and what makes them all tick is very fun. As for the story, while not the next Odyssey or Don Quixote (Hehe), it's intriguing and makes you want to know what happens next, which brings me to my first complaint.

The difficulty spike in this game is comparative to going from the bunny slopes to Mt. Everest in one day. You go from normal activities to all of your employees being wiped out before you've even hit 100 enkephalin. The worst part about this is that it bars you from continuing the story, so you're instead relegated to continuing the same day over and over again until you can finally cut your loses.

This game is fantastic, but holy moly it needs some kind of patch or mod or SOMETHING to add a difficulty choice. I'm all for games having intentional difficulty spikes, (in fact I'm a huge enjoyer of the difficulty spikes in Limbus, I find the challenge makes it so the player has to actually pay attention to the gameplay mechanics) I'm not looking for every game to be as easy as Pokemon. But, when your game's difficulty genuinely makes me want to slam my head against a wall for the amount of times I've repeated the same actions over and over again, you may want to consider toning it down a bit.