Finally gave this series a shot, wasn't really feeling the first two chapters but chapter 3 was really effin' good, although whole series is way overpriced & pretty poorly optimized :/

This game is genuinely addicting, very few games have me stopping throughout the day to go play them. For the cheap price and flawless online, I'd recommend this game to literally anybody. I wish this game had more content but you get a lot out of what you're given.

What's less is more; with how bloated Team Fortress 2 has become over the years, this project feels like a fresh start for the title and has quickly become my ideal way of playing the game. Better weapons, better art direction, and better optimization. Love this game and excited for future updates.

This game is one of my favorites, but I feel the recent updates have been hurting my enjoyment. The inclusion of more skill trees has bloated the game, adding abilities that range from downright useless to overpowered. Their rollout has been slow and sloppy, focusing on already balanced characters rather than updating underwhelming ones, like Warly or Walter.  I really just wish they'd go back to doing character refreshes, although this game still holds a special place in my charred, blackened heart

was expecting cool spy game, got a crappy movie game with sluggish controls and animations.

Funniest portal mod I've ever played. This project fails to understand the unspoken rules of portal-level design. I found myself solving puzzles by thinking, "If I were a moron and had never played a portal game before, how would I solve this?" and having it work out every time. Combine this with half-baked mechanics that range from underutilized to just stolen from other fangames, and you've got this game. I hate to be so negative towards a free, fan-created project; I'm sure there was care put into it, but the final product feels like something Wheatley would create—the frankenturret of portal mods. For what it's worth, I had a lot of laughs playing it.

Leaning on the weaker end of Portal mods, this game still provides a cute little experience centered around a very fun & new mechanic. The puzzles feel mostly in line with the franchise; however, I personally would have liked to see the parkour aspects of the paint gun more utilized. The writing is... certainly there. I found some of the dialogue cute, but most of it ended up falling flat for me. Mainly, the main core, Nigel, he's a fun character but just maybe not as colorful as the cores you'll find in other portal games, fan or official. Overall it's a very lovable experience; however, for the $5 price tag, I think you'll find more enjoyment out of "Tag: The Power of Paint"—the free title that inspired both this game as well as Portal 2's gel mechanics. 

may come back to later, but holy shit what a step down from the original title.

I've always found this game to be the strongest entry in the franchise. While previous titles struggle with repetitive gameplay and scares that quickly grow predictable, Five Nights at Freddy's 4 is an endless loop of anxiety and helplessness that leaves me genuinely feeling winded after playing. While fear is subjective, personally, this game makes me piss my pants.