6 reviews liked by gogosox82



Losing my PS4 that had this installed on it hurt worse than losing any family member.

This shit sucks but I can only admire SE’s commitment to how shitty the XIII series was.

Pretty fun and dumb captain America simulator

The best thing BGS has created since Morrowind.

Diablo 2 had a better story

I think the nicest thing I can say about this game is that the shooting feels okay. It's nothing special but at least it doesn't feel actively bad. Unfortunately, that doesn't get it very far because I never felt that the plasmid abilities felt particularly good or fun or interesting so the combat ends up feeling like an overall let-down.

And then there's the writing. It's a steaming hot pile of racist centrist garbage. There's a single named black character and you kill her because apparently black people are just as bad as racist white people?? Absolute horseshoe theory nonsense. Total garbage. Centrism is bad for the brain, y'all.