4 Reviews liked by gravedigbiscuits

Trading guns for magic, you play as one of the special few who can wield all three colours of the arcane. You are armed with Blue (a Rifle), Red (a Shotgun), and Green (a Machine Gun) to mow down your foes. The writing is fun, and the voice acting is good. Although, you might struggle to find a character you actually like, as they are all different shades of asshole. The game claims you can build your character to fit your playstyle, focusing on powering up one colour or evenly spreading your points across all three. However, it then throws you encounters that require specific colours to defeat enemies, spitting in the face of those claims. Sometimes, a game can simply be "good". They don't have to all be masterpieces.

An unfinished mess but what IS here is pretty good, for the most part! The soundtrack is amazing and graphics are very cartoonish and stylized, gameplay also feels smooth after you get the hang of it. Unfortunately, there are LOTS of bugs present here and also the game's very short, 100%ting Twinsanity takes about 4 hours on a first time playthrough if you're good at platformers. I'd say the bugs add to the silly charm of the game, makes it even funnier to play, but it isn't for everyone, though.

Odyssey is a spectacle in terms of art direction, and the possession mechanic with the hat is very well implemented in the game. This game is a tribute to the entire franchise, and it is very satisfying to see it reinventing itself with each release.

Its the one of two Paper Marios to have the simple yet straightforward actual RPG fights with no gimmicks and crap. Speaking as a TTYD fan and played said game as my first foray into this series, I think this game is great in its own way. The tone and aesthetics seems to be taken from [Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island] a lot, notwithstanding chapter 5. Everything feels goofy from start to finish, helped by the fact that Bowser's portrayal is balanced between threatening and hilarious. The gameplay is still good despite its limitations and how crap inputs are. I went for 100% as this game is really great despite how aged it is. Doubly so from how un-ergonomic the N64 controller is.