i had every Spyro game as a kid but for some reason this one is really present in all my memories of Spyro. something about this one stuck like glue in that I can pick it up and play it expertly years later. why is that? i dont fuckin' know. it's pretty good though!

Besides Sly Cooper, Spyro has to have the most consistent trilogy in terms of quality. even when the devs were running out of steam they still brought it home with a REALLY fun game. There are still accursed minigames but they arent honestly that bad (minus the fucking boxing one.) they still bring a lot of imagination and well-timed comedic moments, which is impressive since this was the era that your ps1 disc drive would sound like it's having a hernia trying to load any line of dialogue in most games. Insomniac are pretty good at this shit! Easily the best platformer series of the PS1/N64 generation.

Reviewed on Jul 24, 2022


1 year ago

What about Ratchet or Crash being consistent?

1 year ago

@Speedy Crash 2 is the only one that feels good start-to-finish. Crash 1 has some insane difficulty spikes and Crash 3 has terrible gimmick stages. Also Ratchet 1 and 2 are great but 3 was more hit-or-miss.

1 year ago

@Speedy I should also clarify i haven't played a Ratchet game since the early 2000s so i am going off of my memory of them.