Superhero Games?

Saying superhero games is a kinda broad subject. It's hard to consider what is superhero and what not. For example is yakuza a superhero game? I mean people in that game doesn't die to 10 bullets or explosions... so...? Or is final fantasy games are superhero games? You save everybody and also have magic powers... so...? Anyway I just selected the ones I truly consider "superhero" according to my estimation

While it's the most clunky movement wise from it's sequels (also batman is WIDER THAN Y3 KIRYU)

Atmosphere wise it's the strongest. Visiting arkham asylum almost feels like a horror game at times.

I wish story wasn't so cliche tho.
Gameplay wise it's not much of an upgrade.

But Story wise tries a lot of things and legit does it's own thing seperate from the comics and actually makes you wonder where the heck story will go?

Unfortunately end of it feels a bit dissappointing but other than that actually a pretty engaging story.
Small changes made to combat feels damn awesome and gotham in this game... WOW.... It's simply beatiful.

But story doesn't even try to be interesting for some reason. "A secret red colored batman looking personn... Who could it beeee...." and answer is obvious from the start.

At least batmobile is cool tho... until it forces you to use it's batTank mod... Because it's not fun fighting with drones.
That's how you kill an interesting premise.

First half is, "Batman! There are hitmans that here to hunt you"

Second half is, "HaHa, let's botch the plot with stupid twists"

Also level design doesn't have the spark of other arkham games.

Feeling of "Didn't I experienced before in previous games?" or "That section was just this? It was a bit lame" feeling kinda permeates throughout in the whole game.
A fun little ps2 feeling game.

Story doesn't make sense in any form but it's focus isn't that anyway. It's all about meeting with new people and it does that even with some cliches included.

Gameplay is mindless but flying never get old for me at least.

But vibes tho... It's the one that saves the game for me.
Gameplay wise it's upgrade from all ways (other than missions, they are still not that interesting and a bit clunky).

Story wise... it's the same damn story from the first game for some reason. A new city, Some new people to meet and of course a dictator to fight.

Until the credits. For some reason best part of the story is hidden after the credits and yeah it's the most fulfilling part of the game and clears every question from the first game kinda... I say kinda because it's not a long section so they kinda rush some of the answers and I kinda wish the whole game was about that rather than the rethread of the first part.

Other than that... The vibes... multiply with 2 from the first game and you get this game.

Objectively it shouldn't be here because of it's issues but I just love Kat so so muchhh I couldn't stop myself. KAATTTTTTTTTTTT <3.
A bit uninspired game that just takes from it's contemporaries. Be it spiderman 2 movie, be it batman arkham's gameplay, be it ubisoft formula.

But it's very polished so you still enjoy it a lot.
Yes this game's gameplay is clunky.

Yes this game is linear.

Yes it's short.

Yes story is cliche.

But energy of this game is simply... DIFFERENT. LEGENDARY EVEN.

I still can't forget the police chase mission nor venom nor lizard nor... I can't forget anything actually.

You know what. Let me sell this game to you with using it's soundtrack:
We need to go biigg in a game even tho we don't know how to fill levels and environment!!!

AND That's how you f### up.
the piece of shit pc version


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