Team Ico games

This is my ranking for team ico's games



Ai acts sloppy near the ladders for some reason, camera sometimes obstruct the interactables, it's gameplay is janky. But even with that. I fell in love with it's world, vibe, atmosphere. At times it's dark, lonely, foreboding. Other times it's light, hopeful, relaxing. It's so good in balancing atmosphere with it's strong world design that I can't keep myself from falling in love with it
Really unclear rules and unclear way of showing what is interactable or not is a bit frustrating but really awesome pet bonding experience in it's heart.
Boss gauntlet the game. It's still revolutionary. But I didn't find myself connected to it's world as much as ico. Because of how it feels a bit formulaic. I am not talking about the boss puzzley gameplay, I am talking about the progression. Other last 10 minutes, it uses same formula. Begin from the base, ride horse, find boss, kill it, teleport back to the base, repeat. It's a bit of a nitpick I know but I kind of expected to see more suprises rather than only on it's ending. But other than that, it's puzzle bosses are awesome and the reason that no one will forget this game ever


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