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August 30, 2023

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February 16, 2022

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I like puzzle visual novels. But my first impressions of this famous Danganronpa title was realllllyyy bad for me. You start the game, then get introduced to the characters and every one of them are.... anime stereotypes.

The Anime Stereotypes are my top 10 most hated things ever and the reason I stopped watching anime or watch them rarely, so this really discouraged me to continue. To the point that I didn't returned this game for at least 1 year. But then I returned because I was craving for something puzzley that forces me to think and solve. I can't say it was good as Ace Attorney in that regard but at least it managed to entertain me.

This game have two different segments. That is exploration and contradiction segments.

Exploration works with clicking shiny objects like all the games. I can't say too much on it since it's not too different than any other detective game. I guess only difference is, you are given free time sometimes to do social link persona like interaction events with the character you want to engage that is mostly shallow short events.

My only nitpick is, why there is a fps roaming around system implemented in the first place? when most of the evidence finding is on a seperate 2.5d areas. I don't know but at least I can fast travel from the map screen so whatever.

When it comes to contradiction system, you can immediately realise that how much of a director difference changes everything about the concept of finding contradictions

It uses the same court contradiction system as ace attorney at first glance but contradiction system is mixed with flashy mini games, so it's not just a one continuous press-present system.

How it works is:
1-You have to play the debate minigame where everyone submits their own arguments. You have your "counter arguments" that selected by the game itself for that specific debate, you need to use them on a contradicting and yellow marked arguments in a given time limit.
2-You can take someones argument and use it against on another argument in that debate
3-If asked, you need to show evidence or select option from the 3 possible options that explains what happened
4-In between all of this, you need to play a hangman minigame that works with selecting specific letters in that given empty word area.
5-and you play a closing argument minigame, that is essentially a shitty rhythm game
6-Oh lastly you do create a comic to show the order of the events

If we look at what I just explained, we can essentially see that this is a more casual friendly puzzle system. Not just the interactable only arguments between others marked with yellow for you, also your own argument counters selected by the game itself. If we also remember that it's mixed with minigames and also a point that I didn't explain until now that is: it's impossible to "fail "with how you can revive with the revive option when you fail. Yeah it's a more casual friendly puzzle game.

It looks badly first but what it lacks on characters and gameplay depth, it does have on it's suprise element. It uses it's flashy minigames back to back to shock you harder for twists and this is in my opinion what it makes Danganronpa entertaining.

I can't say it's a perfect system tho, it's wacky argument gun usage aiming is a bit too finicky, hangman minigame's random letter system forces you to wait too much, also it's closing argument rthym minigame is.... feels garbage to play and comic book selectable photos hard to identify what they represent sometimes.

But because of how it uses them for the shock value, I guess it manages to entertain me in the end. So... It's at the positive end for me.

So, story is about a death game: people stuck on a school and if they want to be able to exit, someone have to kill someone. If they are not found then they can exit from the school. But even if they don't want to kill, they have to because the mascot monokuma forces everyone with blackmails. So this means there is a lot of murder cases to solve for us.

I can't say the majority of the cases in the story good tho. Most of them builded on shocking twists. Twists are fun don't get me wrong that is what makes it entertaining, but when majority of the cast is too cliche stereotypes, it's hard to connect with what is really going on. It feels like you are here for the moment of mystery not for the connections or relationships even if the main character keep saying how much he cares about everybody.

Because of that game started to lose on me slowly but last two cases managed to win me back with how they tried to inject a character a bit on them. So because of that I can say I actually liked some of the characters. They are really few, but they managed to change my perspective about this game... at least a little bit. Because I still don't like majority of the cast.

So, I enjoyed the game(mostly the end part). It's not perfect for me with some gameplay annoyances and the problems with the cast for me. But it still managed to entertain me. If you want right now to get lots of suprises and twists, I would say try this game. Because you will love it probably.