Dead Space 2008

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 10, 2023

First played

October 28, 2023

Platforms Played


Isaac do this! Isaac do that! Isaaccccc!!! The game.

Actually I wasn't planning to play this game before playing all resident evils but just to look up I hop in, enjoyed it's first hours a lot then decided to continue more and here I am after 8 hours later. So what did I think?...

At first I really enjoyed it's first hours where you are defenseless, everywhere feels alien and dangerous, every step feels like a death sentence. Maybe even more scary for me because beating horror games are rare thing for me.

However after the middle point where the game introduced it's %95 of it's enemy variants I started to lost this tense feeling. Not just that, game started to repeat it's room layouts. I mean they are colored differently with more different stuff thrown in inside and there are still some locations that is different to give it's setpiece like feeling but most of them? Felt too similar to each other. I felt like walking inside the 1000th grey corridor.

After the middle point nearing the end I started to hate it's formula as well. It repeated itself too much that I couldn't wait this game to finish. Solving the game's own horror formula felt like end to me yet for some damn reason game still keeps going and going.

You always go out from the train station, come into similar looking 500th hallway where there are 3 doors. A radio calls, says: "Isaac Oh My God in this section you need a XYZ thing! You need to get it NOW! Out". You go into one of the doors, find the thing, while you return, suddenly you hear "Lock Down initiated". Doors close, you kill the enemies, then go to the second door, use the key, return, then go the third etc. then return to the station to go another part of the ship, leave the station, go to hallway.... etc. etc. etc.

Game used this so much that it became mindnumbing to me. I felt like near the end my brain become a puddle of soup.

With that, For me even as early as the 4th hour, game's magic was already disappeared unfortunately. Even with the dismembering system, I already solved how to destroy majority of the enemy types more efficiently so even this good mechanic itself lost it's magic for me.

I mean there is one time it tried to do something interesting after the half point where a stalker character gets introduced but at that point I was already a walking bullet machine so... unfortunately even it wasn't enough to remove this tiring feeling for me.

Only time after the half point I was close to getting scared was, one time I spent all of my bullets because of my own insistency of not buying bullets, but rather than getting tense, I just loaded my save and go to market sell my things get more bullets and go there again to decimate all the enemies. That's it. It felt like going through the motions rather than feeling fun.

Because It was already lost it's magic it builded up to that point after all.