6 Reviews liked by gum

i loved playing a realm reborn, but once i got through some of the other expansions it truly put into perspective how Okay it is. still, very lovely, and i enjoyed the beginning of ffxiv more than every other mmo ive tried.

i dont have it in me to put how much i love this expansion into words. the plot, the characters, the setting, its all perfect to me. of course the actual gameplay improves even more in stormblood and the expansions beyond (this is why i dont give it a full five stars) but as an independent expansion and story it is, so far, still my favorite. best dragon story.

i dont think that stormblood is as bad as alot of people say. as a whole it improves GREATLY on gameplay aspects of the game and has the most fun raids and content ive done yet. the story falls short in many places for me. however, it still has some really phenomenal moments and characters. good..just not as good as heavensward was.

after loving the first game so much and hearing good things about its sequel, i was very very excited to play this game. unfortunately that excitement quickly dimished to disappointment throughout the few hours i beared to play the game. first of all the gameplay is majorly different. rather than being so focused on shooting, it is alot more focused on the hack and slash aspect, giving you a large move list of many button combinations, and allowing you to dodge. the grab and feed mechanics remain, but feel completely different. somehow the gameplay feels even more repetitive and monotonous than the first games, even though there is a bit more depth to the buttons you are pressing. regardless of that, the main reason i hated the time i spent on this game is because it felt completely different to the first much beyond its gameplay. this is not what i fell in love with. i had to stop playing it, and search the internet to see whether there were any games that COULD give me an experience actually similar to the first game, with a character like rayne. i found nothing.

if i were to be completely biased this review would consist of one word. peak. but this game unfortunately does have many shortcomings such as repetitive gameplay, keeping you in the same areas just a bit too long, some horribly unfair feeling levels near the end, and poorly (very poorly) designed bosses. if you are someone that can overlook this kind of old game shit and are interested in the game for its protag and 2000s vampire vibe, please play it. i loved it so much and i quickly fell in love with its weird, and sexually charged, charm. i long for more vampire media with that 2000s vibe and it is extremely rare to get something with a woman lead, especially one as likeable as rayne

pretty fun coop experience. very cool to see where it all started too.