Thought it was another gimmick like chop goblins but Szymanski slapped my expectations' ass real fine.

The idea is pretty innovative and fun but the execution is a little rough. Besides some levels the game should, but is not hard at all. I turned off dialogue and subtitles immediately after few minutes, i don't know what they were thinking when they thought this writing was a good idea. Also i realized something strange when i was playing, i didn't know you could smell elitism when playing a game but the writer's ego must be so strong that it came right through the screen and broke my nose.

one of the best games i've played

still has a lot to fix, but fun.

Very shallow, brings nothing to the genre, tries to hide the lack of game with "funny" dialogues. It would be okay if just the gameplay was bad but the story is written by someone who just read one book in their entire life.