54 Reviews liked by h1ghl4nd3r

The game that unified the globe, however briefly.

It's worth every BELL!

This is the game that the MCU consults when writing a new movie.

I was nearly busted so many times playing this, but I learned all about Alt+Tab ;)

This is the game that made me get a Nintendo Switch!

I loved UA2 so much, that I bought the Switch and this game as soon as I could.

My son and I have played it through at least twice. You can play with tons of different characters, so it is a layered experience. And if you love the MCU, it's perfect for you!

Learn to trust a fucker who brought the star fox adventures manual with them on car rides and kept a bookmark on the learn to speak dinosaur page when he tells you its good.

Every Edelgard alt that powercreeps the game docks half a star

me like brainless fire emblem gameplay. cute pngs go brrr

I could jump really high and I talked to girls on the internet

So nice of Monolith to give us a bad anime alongside this $60 music album