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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 12, 2024

First played

March 9, 2024

Platforms Played


Even though I grew up around a N64 I missed out on this game as a kid and it wasn't until I had a Wii and enough money to buy the game on Virtual Console that I finally got my grimy hands on SM64. I loved this game then, and even went as far as getting all 120 stars. As a kid who assumed he was bad at video games this meant a lot to me. I was also a super Yoshi fan so seeing Yoshi on that roof filled me with so much joy! Even during this replay I had vivid memories of waiting for dinner while playing this game, almost brought a tear to my eye. more than a decade later and I can confidently say this is one of the most stressful games that I've played recently. The janky Clinton administration camera + the demonic level design genuinely had me questioning whether or not I was going to finish this game. I think most of the maps from the latter half of the game are evil as fuck but Tick Tock Clock, Rainbow Ride, and Tiny Huge Island must've single-handedly bent the moral arc of the universe against justice. One minor inconvenience on any of those stages and you'll be greeted by Charles Martinet's best Mario scream to date. My original plan was to get all 120 stars and greet Yoshi on the roof for old time's sake but upon realizing I'd have to get 100 coins on Rainbow Ride I decided I'd rather keep the extra year of life expectancy that would be lost attempting that challenge. 103 stars it is!