6 reviews liked by hallofjeremy

[Shivers] something awakens inside as you look at the cover of the video game

Disco Elysium won't be for everyone - it wasn't for me my first couple attempts of a playthrough - but if it clicks, it CLICKS. Where it lacks in high octane action, it makes up for in stunning character-work, layered worldbuilding and fantastic prose.

This is one of those games where if the concept of playing an alcoholic cop mildly interests you, try it out right now without looking too deep into it. Even if you end up disliking it, it's worth playing.

11/10, but I thought it was a bit weird how they made the protagonist Literally Me.

now that i think of it, i'm no different to harry. GOATED ARTTTTT

Stuff that happened in real life with the devs is the sequel we deserved.

The funniest and smartest game I've ever played