59 reviews liked by harperf

i've been a fan of nadia nova's work since i first read can you say my name again as a young trans girl and i've been hearing a lot of good things about this VN, so im very happy to see it totally surpass my expectations. it's a very messy and at times heavy story, but it's executed in a way that feels grounded and real, instead of gratuitous or overly indulgent. i have a lot more feelings on this that are harder to quantify, but needless to say i definitely recommend it.

Takes several pages out of the Silent Hill 3 playbook - it’s a story about a dual-identity teenage girl getting revenge on an unfair world (at the same time delving into a Keatsian bower realm of blood, shit and hair) with all the ambience to back it up…. for maybe the first 5 minutes? The enemy designs are really dumb, sorry. There’s a couple jumpscares that did get me (owed largely to some excellent sound design) but all tension evaporates like a fart in the wind when you see the first slug-thing enemy on the ground lol. Keeps narrative on a backfoot, all puzzles very intuitively designed, overall well-constructed and never overlong - by all measures, an excellent outing for the dev! Any RE/SH fan is gonna get a nice 10 hours out this one. Only complaint is there isn’t a nasty crow-man Mr. X chasing you throughout the game, but I guess if you want that, you can just play Fear & Hunger.

uma boa história, ótima direção e personagens junto com top 3 melhores performances que eu já vi (troy baker e ashley johnson como joel e ellie)... que infelizmente estão presos no jogo mais insuportavelmente chato que eu consigo imaginar. Honestamente eu me divirto mais batendo a minha cabeça na parede do que com os "puzzles" de levar escada dali até aqui.

fun shooter, but probably not gonna return

The EPG is my favorite weapon in any shooter ever. dumb ass hell weapon that enables some looney toons type gameplay. I love it.

one of the most positive games i have ever played. it's all about the beauty in the simpler things in life, and i absolutely love it. i love the writing, i love the world, it's really great.

it's okay lol. it's just a tap water shooter with some decent movement and music, but it's so fucking long that it gets boring. really a shame because i think it improves upon some concepts from early doom

wow they really fucking hate balloons

Noooo don't cry babe. O'saa + Engrave (F&H symbol) + 1 AGI + Chac chac (x2) + Artificial soul + double black orb (spice forge) = 8800 dmg/turn ok babe?