4 reviews liked by hauntedhouse

corporate has advised me not to share my opinions on rance (character). just know that id touch him in odd ways.

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going to preface this review by saying i didnt play this, i watched all the cutscenes because quite frankly i am not going to buy an entire ass ps5 for this. therefore it will remain without a rating as i dont have much to say about the gameplay.

okay firstly this is straight up the funniest final fantasy game ever and every part that made me laugh was completely unintentional. like all the intentionally funny parts whatever but holy fuck.. the multiverse stuff was hilarious i cannot believe its real life that THIS is what we get out of a giant ass production with ff7 in the title.
i genuinely appreciate how they tried to recreate so many things from the original and keep it recognizable but man. first off... how do you expand upon this and still skip things like rocket town? cids entire story is skipped over? and for what? more cutscenes about zack and biggs suck and fuck adventures?
the characterization was similar to part 1 at least, i enjoyed how true to the original cloud is but im still concerned the direction its heading towards. aerith is noticeably different and i understand...? assume...? this is because of the multiverse stuff? but now i really dont know. yuffie is of course butchered, elena is NOTHING like how i saw her... i could go on. nanakis voice completely changes after we reach cosmo canyon, and i understand in the original he did talk different in the original japanese text at this point but by god the entire ass voice change was not necessary and was just straight up annoying and added another layer to the already TERRIBLE voice acting that makes one ask whether or not there was even any attempt at direction here.
somehow it feels like the misogyny has just gotten worse here. its ff7s biggest criticism, and for good reason. but they spend so much time making stupid compilation lore references and changing up random things and yet theres still somehow a dating sim, weird jokes about a literal 14 year old, and the women still feel like theyre barely even becoming their own characters. tifas slightly improved upon but... it just doesnt really hit the way it should.
i think my biggest criticism of this is how absolutely hideous it is half the time. the other half of the time it doesnt even really look good it just looks okay. nomura being off the team is so evident, there is no art direction here absolutely none. the cutscene of sephiroth killing aerith genuinely was so terrible it actually hurt to look at because of the composition and the colors honestly that entire last hour before the last prerendered cutscene was just absolutely hideous. imagine remaking a game that was one of the first to ever have cinematic cutscenes and not spending a single minute to understand how to utilize cinematics in a video game. the original game actually looked better than this even by modern standards and im not even kidding about that. like if it looked good i wouldve forgiven it for every flaw and my distaste for the plot.
anyways this made me want to play xenogears really badly so thats probably next

Sweet Pool is a true act of artistry through transgression; it employs a variety of extremely disturbing subject matter depicted by rather visceral means including, but not limited to, sexual assault, torture, self-cutting, cannibalism, and necrophilia, in a manner that is not always mechanically necessary but rather used as means of metaphor for the emotional conflicts of the character. (By the way, consider that your content warning) It’s a game I felt incredibly unclean after playing the fanslation several years ago, and I still felt unclean after playing the official translation a couple years ago. This is not an uplifting game about how it’s okay to be gay, rather this is a validation of the pain and trauma that many queer men have experienced in a way that feels incredibly pointed.

It all starts with the setting, conveniently a Catholic school. The game weaponizes Christian symbolism to represent paranoia; it’s mentioned early in the game that the students don’t actively believe in Christian teachings, but still passively do in a manner that reflects many cultural attitudes of the era: no longer popular to be openly spiteful towards LGBT people, but the hateful words of before are something that is still passively believed by a majority of the population. Indeed, the story of Sodom is constantly invoked throughout the VN as a plot point, as a reminder of what God is often taught as believing about gay people.

Now, the core element of the body horror being “crapping maggots out your butthole” sounds incredibly alienating as a premise, and it is completely by design. Youji’s repeated “cleansings” leave him feeling disgusted by and dissociated from his own body, it’s his “dirty little secret” that he can’t express to others, at which point SP becomes not just a game about men-loving-men and reveals itself to also be a transmasculine narrative. At this point, as a cis man I’m deferring to Vrai Kaiser’s excellent article on the game, specifically the sections “Your Body, the Enemy” and “Diving Deep”. It’s a great article all-around even if I don’t agree with all the points, and I would be remiss if I didn’t concede on at least these well-thought-out points. (https://www.fanbyte.com/features/sweet-pool-best-cronenbergian-erotic-horror-game/)

It’s a good time to bring up the game’s interactive system as well: instead of being presented text choices at branches, you are merely presented with two lights at the corner of the screen representing instinct and reason. There are no words that can help you understand what they necessarily mean in each context. What’s really neat is that selecting exclusively one or the other leads you to the two bad endings belonging to the non-true love interests (more on that in a bit) that are uniquely suited for someone who only adheres to one. Selected only reason? Youji dies in a manner karmically suited to someone who cannot defend his own feelings and compromises himself way too much for the sake of “getting along”. Picked only instinct? Youji goes out in a horrifically passionate flame without any regard for his own self-preservation. These two endings contain the most disgusting content in the entire VN, and yet they work so effectively as pleas to not be like Youji nor his faux-love interests in these scenarios. One ending, the “all reason” ending, has some immensely triggering imagery to me that has managed to haunt me in a way that has lead to being a better person, because I never want to become like that.

So, Youji’s harem isn’t really a harem, so much as a pack of hormone-addled teens that can barely contain their desires to have sex with him and fight over their possessiveness. There’s a conversation to be had about BL’s tendency to overuse sexual assault, but something about SP that causes me to be more lenient is, again, tying back to its unique insight of the lives of gay men. They are all literally the only men-loving men that each other knows, and in particular Youji is the only, well, bottom in the story. I say this not to justify any of the more depraved sexual acts they perform on Youji unwillingly, but rather as an understanding that this is a very extreme metaphorical depiction of the desperation queer men can feel to find a partner, compounded with their hostile environment basically making it a miracle they discovered each other in the first place. They’re all convinced they’re each other’s only chance at being intimately understood and take pretty drastic measures in misguided attempts to assure it.

There’s a lot more I could talk about, such as the recurring theme of the characters being anxious of not living up to their legacies (hint: that’s also a gay-coded thing), the more particular struggles in communication between Youji and his canon love interest Tetsuo, the heart-wrenching true ending that served as a testament to all the gay men who couldn’t live to find their other and the gut-punching credits theme “Miracles May”, a jarringly gentle song performed by Kanako Itou that encourages reflection on what just transpired. For a rather short VN (it can be completed in under 15 hours), it’s so thematically rich and emotionally impactful. If you think you have the stomach for it, please play this game (and with the 18+ patch) for an incredibly introspective and, in my opinion, important piece of LGBT fiction.

P.S. I actually own official GIFT plushes of Youji and Tetsuo. They cost a lot and it's incredibly difficult to find someone even willing to sell them online but the fact I got the pair together was a small miracle in an of itself and I treasure them as my rarest official plushes.

I couldn't find the last i point in the plane game for like 10 years

2 lists liked by hauntedhouse