13 Reviews liked by hayydenday_

Note: This is a review of the Save the World mode, not Battle Royale.

I've been playing Fortnite since Season 5 in 2018. I've been aware of this mode for quite some time, but I never really wanted to buy it and I wanted to wait until it became free to play. I finally got my chance when the mode came with my Fortnite Crew subscription. With that out of the way, what do I actually think of it? To be honest, this mode blows. The charming characters are completely lost in a mess of convoluted menus and mechanics, and the missions were just a slog to play through. I'd almost always be left with no ammo and stuck playing through the same tedious tasks. It's no surprise to me now how Battle Royale became the more popular mode.

THIS WAS THE JAAAM BACK IN THE DAY, HELL YE, Playstation 2 and that, great stuff

I feel like this game series is extremely overrated, however I have 0 nostalgia for them and played them all back to back. 3☆ for Elena though I guess

Best part was wasting tiny storm troopers in my big ol' X-wing. They even screamed! Hilarious stuff.

I've never actually seen Star Wars I just played these games.

A perfectly average collectathon that does a pretty good job at keeping the player satisfied. The hit detection on enemies feels a little off at times, and there's not much reason to go back to this one. (Go play The Complete Saga!)

It might be a controversial thing to say that this is my second favourite arkham game but idc, this game is so damn good and people shit on it for no good reason. First of all its a common misconception that the story sucks, if you ignore the fact that this is the joker again which tbf does kinda suck and i would rather someone else could get the spotlight for one game, however the joker stuff in this game is actually fuckin cool and no one can tell me otherwise, we learn about his origin and get to see how he falls in love with a younger batman voiced fucking excellently btw by roger craig smith who perfectly portrays that kind of young, aggressive, filled with rage type batman who is still out for vengeance. And plus we do get to see other villians take a large part of the spotlight, fuckin bane in this game is cool af and actually threatening, he works out who batman is, raids the batcave and almost kills alfred! And alfred btw in this game is certainly the best he has ever been in this series, he and bruce actually have arguments and confrontations, its interesting af too watch and it shows how much alfred gives a shit about bruce and its such a breath of fresh air after the last few games where hes just essentially an info dispenser. Also the bounty thats placed on batmans head works beautifully in this games story to give us a whole host of villains to face down. Which leads me to the boss fights which are some of the best in the series. Deathstroke, bane (All 3 of his fights) , firefly and killer croc are the standouts. The combat is pretty much the exact same as arkham city’s but with some excellent new enemy types, the many bane guys are cool and the ninjas that can counter your attacks are sick. The shock gloves are OP as fuck and completely unnecessary tho. The predator combat in this game is super underrated, it has some of the best designed rooms and maps in the series because they are all unique and provide a huge amount of variety in the ways you can dispose with enemies. The traversal is again just the exact same as city except you get the gragnel accelerator from the beginning which is fine i guess. The map is made up of 2 islands. One of witch is the arkham city map and the open world is OK but a little dull. The game did introduce new crimes in progress to spice things up a bit but that doesn’t really save it. The side missions average out as OK, theres some boring arkham knight busy work here and there but there are good ones like the anarchy, deadshot, shiva and mad hatter side missions so thats about half i think. The rest are just whatever with the exception of the one hidden side mission about cyrus pinkey ,which i gaurantee no one knows about, Which is actually so fucking interesting and im so sad it was never continued because it touched on the old families of gotham and teases the court of owls which is badass af. As a final note i would just like to point out that this game was made in a year which is impressive af considering what they were able to do and i have replayed this game probably joint the most with arkham city at this point. And yes it is in fact underrated. Fuck arkham knight dude.

The Goker finally makes his debut in Batman''s life! However it's Christmas so Batman is spending the holidays with Alfred

when i was 10 and my aunt got me this game i was like really upset because i didnt like batman. i liked spiderman. but when i finished it i suddenly liked batman as much as spiderman so i think if idiot inexplicably anti batman 10 year old me was like converted into being pro batman solely because of this video game then like its probably pretty good

A low point for the series, but even when it's not very good, it's still pretty good.

As a Batman story, this is a refreshing and fantastic new take on the Caped Crusader's universe. The twists were pretty unexpected, and the game's villains are some of my favorite interpretations of the characters. As a video game though, this one falls into the same problems other Telltale games have. A lot of choices really don't matter and there are a fair share of bugs. Nothing game-breaking, but it definitely spoils the immersion.

Just. No.

I only finished it because I'm a huge Batman fan.

Pretty much builds on everything introduced in arkham asylum. Excellent freeflow brawling, probably the best arkham game for predator gameplay, contending with arkham origins. The arkham game with far and away the best side missions, the best riddler challenges, the best story and again contending with arkham origins for the best bosses. This is what i call a perfect batman game. Kevin conroy and mark hamill are better than ever and the ending is fucking amazing. Catwoman is a great addition and the side missions introduced story threads so interesting and cool that they managed fuck up all of their follow ups in Arkham knight. I will also say that the open world is pretty great for the most part. Its rich with depth and interesting places to go and explore. The environments and character designs still hold up and look better than they do in the awful return to Arkham remaster. I spent like a whole year as a kid just playing this game and i love it.