Literal straight perfection.

I could (and have) play ‘Batman: Arkham City’ for years on end.


Beautiful, revolutionary video game. Batman and his universe is probably my favourite thing in the entire world and this game was a mind-blowing experience for me.

I was too young to experience this when it came out, but I think the hype I created in my own little bubble to eventually take it on was justified. The main problem I have with this game is how trapped you feel; yeah, I understand that’s the point, you’re in a prison. However, ‘Arkham City’ just feels so much better to play, it’s grittier, darker, wide and open, and beautifully so.

I’ve only ever played through ‘Batman: Arkham Asylum’ once and I need to do so again - maybe she’ll be risen to a perfect rating.


Yep, I’m sure most of us had a phase of either attempting to be or desperately wanting to be MC YouTubers in the early 2010s; I was certainly no exception.

As EnchantedPotato, I adored Hunger Games mini games, the Hexxit mod pack and of course, Solo Survival Mode.

Minecraft is the epitome of creativity and will always have a special place in my heart. It’s a shame I lost track of all the new features however - it seems insurmountably different now :((
