Voldemort was way too easy to unlock, especially once you'd already unlocked all of the coin multipliers. The open world of Hogwarts, with all of its nooks and crannies and hidden characters and areas will always amaze me.

I have to go back and 100% this. The nostalgia is very strong here.

Always an odd one for me. I never played the multiplayer version with anyone, not really, and I also didn't ever watch the Clone Wars. But, I'm still a big Star Wars fan, and I found a lot of fun in this, regardless.

Shaking the controller and nunchucks like you're actually having a seizure to run the 400m hits so different.

Only ever played at mates' places, because we never owned the motion thingy for the controllers. The wakeboarding and sword games were chef's kiss though.

Super fun but way too difficult for a young me. These Mario games always start out super fun and get old pretty quickly, especially since the level design here wasn't as unique as they are today.

Honestly bought this on a whim when it came out and loved it so much I didn't even bother with its predecessor. Such a unique game.

Timeless multiplayer fun. Never unlocked Drybones and it makes me cry to this day.

Was never any good. Meta Knight never got the nerf he deserved.

Dark and moody, Tomb Raider will always be nostalgic for me, regardless of the inescapable over-sexualisation of Lara all over the place.