A fan-translation wishlist

Now that fifth and sixth-gen translations are more common, here's some games I'd like to be able to play someday.

MonHun clone that received a barely-functional translation. Hoping for an update.
Another one I'm just dying to play. Hardly anyone seems to be aware of it, though.
Please... it's been haunting me ever since I saw a Youtube clip circa 2011...
Any of the later entries in this series, but preferably this one.
Looks very cute! I have a feeling someone will drop a patch for this out of the blue one day.
This is likely to happen in the next couple years.
I think someone's working on this, but it's a monumental undertaking. Bless them.
If Captain Rainbow and BokuNatsu 2 happened, Giftpia can happen.
This one would be really cool and doesn't look hard, but there doesn't seem to be much interest, either.
This one's already happening and is due this year.
This would be a huge undertaking. Maybe Hilltop will get around to it.
This one's probably just a matter of time.
Another most-wanted. No idea how easy or hard it'd be.
This is my most-wanted. I'd be surprised if someone wasn't working on it already.
Really, all the Japan-only Wizardry games put out in the 21st century.
All un-translated Shiren games really, but especially this one.
This and a functional private server... I can dream.
Looks like a really interesting social sim with a distinctive style. No chance in hell.
Very offbeat-looking JPRG. I'm curious about it and its sequel (?)
Just for fun!
I'll take any entry in this series. I think half of them are the same game.
I think someone will get around to this eventually and release it out of the blue someday.
Just curious. Not likely.
I'm really surprised this hasn't happened yet. It's been picked up and dropped a couple times, so maybe it's harder than it looks.
So funny that the only localization of this game is iOS abandonware.
Fairy-raising sim. Either this or Mercurius Pretty on Dreamcast. (Not sure if they're actually related.)
One of the holy grails. There must be a reason why no one's pulled it off yet.
It's not supposed to be outstanding, but I'm a sucker for a dungeon-crawler with style.
This one's less likely, but also much shorter, so they might knock it out alongside ST3.
This is definitely happening when someone runs out of King's Field and Shadow Tower games to play.
I'm not the biggest Vanillaware fan, and yet...
Photography travelogue motorcycle dating sim... Please...
I'm really interested in this one's premise, but no one seems to know about it, so...
Another Mystery Dungeon spin-off that's just a matter of someone randomly taking an interest in it.
Mech combat dating sim with character designs by the TV Girl Ai guy. Shockingly good-looking for PS1. Cult following. Short. It's a no-brainer
Its profile is rising and it looks really cool. I'm sure it'll happen.
This series of horror adventures looks very cool and doable.
I don't think anyone's thinking about this one. Looks very cute, though.
This will probably happen, but not very soon.
It's a long shot.
This is just a text adventure, so you could feasibly play it with a text file, but that's not ideal.
This one's definitely happening once enough Souls fans catch wind of it.
MonHun clone that received a barely-functional translation. Hoping for an update.
Looks wonderful and I love Mystery Dungeon games. Probably very doable, just a matter of catching someone's interest.
This and its sequel look cute, and were apparently big hits in Japan. Could happen.
Text-heavy. I WILL pay a Youtuber to do a hyperbolic video on this game and put it in the public eye.
Remake of a Falcom PC dungeon crawler. Looks really cool. Might happen.
I won't lie, I'm mostly in it for the Kinu Nishimura art. It's a fantasy board game, kind of like Dokapon possibly.
I'll take any entry in this series.
A very obscure and text-heavy game. Doubtful.
Looks like a VN that's extremely up my alley. Virtually unknown.
I think I'm the only person clamoring for this one. Maybe some Falcom fanatic will take a swing at it.
Doesn't strictly need a fan-translation, though it would be nice.
A real pipe dream, since first it'd need to get dumped online. The only known copy is in a private collection.
An open-ended JRPG that looks really interesting. Don't think anyone intends to translate it, currently.


3 months ago

Dinosaur Resurrection doesn't have any current English release, but the Geofront team's still chugging away at their patch for it. Unsure if they'll try Sorcerian on Dreamcast, but there's some interest in doing Sorcerian Original/Forever eventually. AFAIK both Mercurius Pretty and PixyGarden came from the same development team.

Segagaga's been a victim of previous TL projects getting so close, but failing due to harsh technical limits/hurdles at the end. I hope newer groups can do it justice, first by being more transparent and realistic with hacking the thing.

3 months ago

Thanks! I dunno where I read the Dinosaur thing, or maybe I misremembered. I do hope someone manages to crack Segagaga.

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