I absolutely loved this game, and I say this as someone who has never played any King's Field or Shadow Tower entries.

The lower-poly 3D visuals lend itself so well, but the game isn't just carried by that alone, but also by it's fantastic art design, great lighting, and strong use of colors (or lack of color at times). The presentation and atmosphere is backed up by a WONDERFUL soundtrack that always sets the mood and tones of each area perfectly.

I adored how some weapons have an XP bar that, when filled, would allow them to be upgraded, and every upgrade that happens is pretty big, substantially increasing the damage of the weapon, as well as changing its appearance.

The exploration in this game is also insanely fun. It was a little annoying here and there not having a map, but it wasn't the worst thing ever. Like in Psuedoregalia, I ended up forming rough mental maps in my head of all the areas (the Catacombs still confuses me sometimes I'll admit though). It was pretty fun circling around an area and becoming more acquainted with it while I slaughtered enemies and looked for secrets.

The combat isn't too complex either, which I found quite comforting in a way. Left-click to swing, hold left-click to charge your swing, right-click to block, and C/V to throw out some magic. It's all pretty straightforward. But it also has location-based damage, so you can hack off enemies' heads or arms! It's really satisfying whenever you lop the goat head off a chimera so it can't cast spells or disarm a skeleton.

I think I've already gushed enough about this game. I love it to pieces. I didn't get ALL the endings or 100% it, but I did get two of the endings and had a splendid time.

Eh, it's pretty decent. I might come back to it later, but it's kinda lost it's grip on me for the time being.

A very rare instance where a remake actually could very well completely replace the original. This plays absolutely fantastic with all the new stuff from RoR2 tossed in and even more new things on top of that.

My only real gripe is that if you disconnect during a session with your friend where you both unlocked a nice handful of things? Kiss that stuff goodbye. It fucking SUCKS. Your unlock progress ought to be saved the minute the achievement pops but it just doesn't for some reason. Otherwise? I'd consider this pretty much a perfect game.

Every time I try picking this game up I just bounce right off it again after a few hours. I don't know exactly why or what it is that repels me, but I just can't really dig into it like some other fighting games.

A primo "goofy fun with the fellas" kind of game that doesn't disappoint. Mods allowing for bigger lobbies just makes things even more fun and hectic. Good shit.

Pretty decent fun! It's a co-op online game not totally unlike Sea of Thieves; main difference is instead of having an open world, you choose missions from a general hub and then disembark on them like in Deep Rock Galactic. The gameplay is REALLY similar to Sea of Thieves though in the way that you and your friends will end up divvying up roles between pilot, gunner, repair person, and so on. It's got no PvP as of writing and honestly I feel that's to its benefit.

L'Neta is so cute and sweet but the game needs more Nyanlathotep big time.