7 reviews liked by heathcliff

I'm already predisposed to not enjoy Survivor Arena games after like half an hour of gameplay, this one got especially boring with how much it tries to ape from Hades. I'm not against games taking obvious inspiration from others, but when you sculpt so much of your creation around one without that model's incredibly cohesive characters and storyline, you're just left with a dead husk of an experience

this game is so perfect to me, i'm terrified of what it will be like with a 100GB coat of paint this month. you can feel the re4 team on this joint & it seeps through every corner, impact animation and sound effect. i think it has the perfect amount of detail with enough to leave to your imagination-- is that not the spirit of fantasy? does that not hinder the mystery for you? must we see the pores and every strand of hair of every npc at the cost of playability and a smooth, clean experience such as this? i hope i will be proven wrong but as a modern games cynic, i can't see it getting much better than this.

The combat is really neat but can also be extremely confusing. The tutorial could definitely use some improvements which doesn't help with the game's complexity. Story and characters are amazing but the difficulty curve made it harder to enjoy. The music changes depending on the floor you use and certain moments in the story, but just about every track is a banger (It also features tracks from Mili, who you should check out :3). I would definitely recommend but be prepared to look up walkthroughs for some battles.

Mom, can we get Bloodborne?
Honey, we have Bloodborne at home!
Bloodborne at home:

This review was written before the game released

Smoking on that saddler pack GRA GRA

the 1 and a half stars are because when i played this as a child i got horribly addicted to the pie making minigame, sometimes i would walk in on my sibling playing the pie game and watch them play it until they stopped and then i'd leave. i don't know why my adhd-riddled 8 year old brain was so addicted to doing qte events but it ended up being the only part of the game i liked