I believe Assassin's Creed Unity could learn a thing or two with this one. Although the Chronicles series are pretty shallow on the story telling department, and I do not like making game reviews based on fun and gameplay inputs, I have to give this one praise.

It inproved quited alot on the first one (China), going as far making me care about the main protagonist. Which is a shame, Assassins Creed Chrinicles China had a good proposal for a protagonist, An chinesse imperial concubine turned assassin. Back to India.

But what I really want to give the game credit is actualy making a compeling love story. I am fond of love stories, on that note, it is hard to make a good one in pop culture outside of the romance genre.

Not only in gaming, but anime, tv series and movies. It is filled with nuances. It can't take too much of the plot to the point of overshadowing the action, adveture or main point. But it can't also make the romance so shallow and with no character development that you question why is it there on the first place.

That said India doesn`t have a deep love story, but it is also not a deep game. I like to see it more as an one page short story. And on that, It created a plot, showed its characters , established their bonds and by the end it tied it all together. Short, simple and enjoyable.

(spoilers of assassins creed unity ahead)

Arno in Unity became a decent assassin with what seemed to be effortless, foud out his childhood love aspires to be his enemy, gave up on his belifs and on his people during french revolution to chase her. It still astounishes me how the managed to overshadow the french revolution with a love story.

India is not a perfect game by any means, but it is a book I enjoyed reading in controler input.

Slay the Spire along with Vampire survivors are not story driven, but both revel in reinventing a much-beaten genre. I correct myself not reinvention but the ability to look at something that already exists with a lens that speaks directly to the player's feeling of accomplishment. They made so a card game and a game you just walk around gives the same gratification as killing a Boss in dark souls would. The two put card games and monster wave games in the roguelite genre, and had the sensitivity to develop in a way that the game doesn't become frustrating, it flows and you constantly discover new things that make you feel like you're the best in the world.

Slay the Spire along with Vampire survivors are not story driven, but both revel in reinventing a much-beaten genre. I correct myself not reinvention but the ability to look at something that already exists with a lens that speaks directly to the player's feeling of accomplishment. They made so a card game and a game you just walk around gives the same gratification as killing a Boss in dark souls would. The two put card games and monster wave games in the roguelite genre, and had the sensitivity to develop in a way that the game doesn't become frustrating, it flows and you constantly discover new things that make you feel like you're the best in the world.

Triangle Strategy is a tactical RPG inspired by Final Fantasy Tactics. The writer of Game of Thrones should learn something from this script, because fuck… if Game of Thrones was 10% of that, the series finale would be good.

And not only that, as this is a war, it doesn't go with that boring idea of morality of good and evil, they are kingdoms with clear objectives of their own and that's why the game allows us to choose our destinations, so you can have an idea how much we can choose our destinations, you need to reset 4 times to have access to all characters.


Chained Memories is inspired by Chrono Trigger, but goes much further and surpasses its master. The story is like reading a Lord of The rings or game of thrones, it sucks you in and every time it seems like it's going to calm down it has a twist that makes it fast again. It never repeats itself and even at 80 hours in you never feel you're redoing the same things, Keeping it constantly fresh.

The combat is excellent, but it's not the main factor here. The story had so many chances to become a cliché, but it never did. Its characters are so deep, sober and constant that it seems like they come from books.



Chained Memories é inspirado em Chrono Trigger, mas vai muito além e supera seu mestre. A história é como ler um senhor dos anéis ou guerra dos tronos, ele te sugar pois toda hora que parece que ele vai acalmar ele tem uma reviravolta que o deixa rápido de novo. Ele nunca vai na mesmice e mesmo com 80 horas você nunca se sente que está refazendo as mesmas coisas. Ele se mantém novo constantemente.

O combate é excelente, mas é o de menos e a história teve tantas chances de virar clichê, mas ele nunca vira, ele tem personagens tão profundos e sóbrios e constantes que parece que são personagens de livros.