The first game I ever finished! Alas, in retrospect I have to accept that it wasn't really a great game and I probably should've focused on something that I'd look back on with a bit more fondness

Unironically one of the greatest games ever made. The soundtrack still makes me cry, so many years later.

I was sure I played FIFA 05 at some point but its not on this list

I have Bad Associations with this game because the guy who recommended it to me turned out to be a pedo but i remember the game itself being alright

This is one of my all-time favourite games. Everything about it is a marvel, from its story, to its art direction, its combat system, its music and in particular its lighting system. Getting lighting to look this good on the PS1 with the comic book inspired art style is a technical accomplishment that everyone should be aware of. Easiest 5 star rating ever

3.5/5 for FFII, the fact that you also get FF1 is nice

Deserves better than to die on an abandoned platform tbh

The degree to which Obsidian nailed the art, the feel of the setting, the historical accuracy, it just cannot be overstated.

A good game, but its loop ends up becoming stale quite quickly. The problem I had with it is that, aside from making number go up, there's no real goal to the game. That's fine for some people, but I want a little more narrative meat

Ok so I do think this is the best HBS game they've done so far, and I really hope they get back to making games of this calibre

It's KoDP 2! Good, but not as good as KoDP