Original review edited from Steam on July 30, 2021.

Recently [two years ago, maybe] 100%'ed the game and enjoyed every second of it. If you're looking for an action RPG with lots of puzzles and exploration, you should definitely check this out.

The art and music is just fantastic. Watching the Devolver Digital E3 reveal games with creative art styles after a sea of boring hyper-realistic designs in the Ubisoft Direct was just chef's kiss finally some FOOD. The soundtrack only has 50 tracks in it, but they're all quality. The plot is fairly simple, but engages relevant questions about the various ways we deal with mortality in real life. Some of the bosses are pretty challenging but its incredibly satisfying once you finally land that last hit against a boss you've died eight times to.

I have very few complaints about this game. Mainly, the isometric perspective can make it a little hard to tell if attacks are on the same plane as you are. This is most prevalent in the fight against the first Giant boss, which drops homing energy balls that float a while in the air before dropping and shooting towards you. Sometimes, I'd swing to hit them back but they were actually above my sword swing, which can be annoying. The game also doesn't show you any damage numbers so it's hard to tell which spells and which weapons are the best. How much does burn damage compare to a charged bow attack?

I played using K&M and found the controls easy to use. I received this game for free as a gift, but it's appropriately priced for an indie game. Average playtime should last around 12-14 hours.

Reviewed on Aug 08, 2023
