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1 day

Last played

April 4, 2023

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So I've been playing the original Majora's Mask directly after playing this and I must say that the mod is incredible, just so many big and small changes that really transform the experience and make it so much more seamless and just plain better. Compared to the original MM's 20 fps MM3D runs at 30 which is real nice and I am a huge fan of the added gyro aiming, I've loved gyro aim ever since I first used it in OoT 3D. But I think the original is still better. For one, while the graphics are a lot less technically impressive, they are way more atmospheric, just a lot more dark when appropriate. There's also something to be said about the lower poly models making you use your imagination more to fill in the blanks. Gyro aim again I love you but man just taking the old challenges and slapping gyro on them makes them a joke. They really should've redesigned aiming challenges for the new aiming style. That's a big thing in general, even tho Project Restoration makes the game harder as it should be as MM3D's difficulty has been nuked from orbit, the original is still much more challenging without ever feeling unfair. Another thing is the notebook, which is extremely important to making optimal use of the 3 day time loop and therefore extremely important to the entire game. It's completely different in the remake: the original simply tells you at what time a person has an event, nothing else, it's up to the player to figure out how to trigger said event. Meanwhile MM3D can't help itself and bombards the player with countless hints so that the actual puzzle portion of these side quests is many times lost entirely. There's also a lot new, added or replaced dialogue in 3D and I find it significantly weaker than the fantastic writing of the base game, going for this weird, quirky tone that just doesn't feel right and feels super forced.