I'm going to start writing reviews solely because I need to remind myself why I initially liked certain games and not think I overrated them.

Celeste has stunning visuals, and an immersive soundtrack and even though I haven't played many platforming games at all before, the mechanics really felt fresh and unique.

The story isn't anything huge but its really cute with its bright characters and SUCH an uplifting plot that I got goosebumps multiple times during chapter 7. It was something about the dopamine that comes from clearing a level while our character reconciles with her personified depression that is just so beautiful.

I've only finished the base game but am SOO looking forward to experiencing the entire thing (going for 100%), cant wait for Earthblade as well!

I got this platinum a few months ago but am updating this journal log to note that I had originally given this game a 4.5 because while with its great plot, satisfying traversal and just having so much to be able to do; I still finished it under the impression that this is or is close to the ceiling of how good AAA video games can get, but after playing others like God of War (2018) and Bloodborne I realize that there is so much a game can get across. Specifically, with BB, I realize how much this game holds your hand during its play especially when it came to boss fights. So with that, I gave it this new rating. Still a really fun experience in hindsight and overall a great video game to begin your AAA experience.

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I had really high expectations for this game as everything I've heard about it was high praise. I can say that for the most part, Katana Zero did deliver. First off, the fighting mechanics are some of the most badass. Slowing time down to dodge bullets with a katana is cool as fuck and the fact that I can see it in action in real-time right after beating a level makes it even better. I don't know much about this story's creator/writer of this story but through the SH2 and 2001 references, they seem to be a very inspired individual regarding story structure. The events that our protagonist goes through warp time and I like that we learn about the character just as he is learning about himself. I initially thought him to be one-dimensional at first, but reflecting on the relationship with his neighbour's daughter, and his revolt against the psychiatrist we are painted the picture of a depraved yet sympathetic man. I think after he remembers what we find out at the end it is going to hurt him so much and I think that only leads to more character depth. What I'm hoping for in the DLC is a concluding third act and judging by how much time is being put into the project, my expectations are again very high. I hope the visuals are more emphasized (I love the psychedelic nature of the hidden boss, hoping to see something that extravagant.) and also get to play as a dragon again. Overall 9/10 purely because it is an unfinished story and has a long way to go in that regard.

My memory of this game from when I played it in 2015-2016 is as good as it can get so I never wanna face the reality of it being ass. genuinely tho I loved how it incorporated a lot of the "niche" aspects of the base game such as command blocks and the farlands. I also LOVE how they featured YouTubers that were monumental to the success of Minecraft. this is also where I fell in love with the story (with consequences) format of video games.

Never trust anyone that quotes John Lennon in regular conversation.

Finished All achievements w/o assist mode ill never be able to repay this game with all the joy it brought to me

no way this one episode took me a YEAR