this game is dreadful to play. its not terribly aggregious, but its not good either. the combat is the equivalent to washing the dishes; straightfoward with almost nothing new and the process is at a snails pace imo. except because this is a video game, i dont actually have to do it. which is a damn shame because i like the story and characters (kinda, most of it). theres a chance ill just drop this one… it doesn’t help that im right behind the stupid tetra master competition. its weird cuz i dont remember hating FF6 or 7 for gameplay reasons

Reviewed on May 21, 2024



24 days ago

I remember back in the day I gave this game like 5 different tries throughout the years and I just couldn't do it due to the sluggish load times and battle speeds. I played the steam release afterwards where I think they fixed it or there was a mod, I can't remember, but it was so much better and I was finally able to finish it.

24 days ago

Final Fantasy IX is worse than all the previous ones in terms of the combat system because they altered how the ATB works, but for some reason no fan of the game talks about it. Still, I think it's good game, it more than makes up for it in other aspects. A remake would definitely make it the ultimate FF game.

24 days ago

@DoctorIssa yeah that sounds like a good idea, i bought this physically cuz my brother already owns 7,8 and 10 it felt weird not having 9. if i end up REALLY hating this then ill look into the newer versions/mods

24 days ago

@Maurith man, fan bias can be a helluva hazard
@maurith yeah I definitely agree with that bit even still, it wasnt a deal breaker and I played it on an actual ps1 lol. The other parts were just too good

23 days ago

Fucking love washing dishes

23 days ago

FF9 is my fave game of all time and even I agree that the combat is quite bad. It's sluggish, as you said, and the Trance system is probably the worst variation of the Limit Break in the series. Ultimately I can give it a pass since I love turn-based. Tetra Master is just frustrating, imbalanced and not well thought-out at all (even if I did collect about 75% of them). I'll say this also, the first half of the game is better than the second in terms of story so if you ain't enjoying it now, I don't think you'll enjoy it anymore later. Personally, I think this is a game that's greater than the sum of its parts but as with any game like that, I can see why someone else wouldn't feel that way.

23 days ago

@Steinco lmao

23 days ago

@rinnochi when it came to the beginning parts of the game, i really felt like i was playing something special and i could totally see why ppl adore it. thanks for ur comment!

23 days ago

It's definitely not a deal breaker @NOWITSREYNTIME17, but I think it's still important because half of the time you'll spend with the game is in the story and the other half of gameplay will be in combat. I'm just surprised that almost no review that speaks well of the game acknowledges that, the gameplay is a downgrade from how FF5, FF6, FF7 and FF8 played and allowed you to customize your party. Still, the combat system isn't bad, it's still decent and entertaining, but its simplification and ATB alteration were not used to create an equally fun proposition.