5 reviews liked by isoCristian

can't believe man city scored 115 goals in my simmed season.

Search "manchester city 115" to learn more

- Combat feels better than ever
- og RE4s bones are so good that it'd be hard not to enjoy

- all the new elements they introduce (stealth, parrying,etc.) are neat but could be so much more with a game that builds around them instead of just being thrown in
- it didn't whiff on capturing the ogs tone as hard as expected, but it certainly doesn't hit it
- they do so much in the beginning to change how every character interacts with Ashley then somehow fall back into making it creepy by the end. What were they thinking???

All that being said... ADA WONG

me and garcia would get along hell yea lets go fight some demons hijo woohoo

A demon called me "PENDEJO" on text-to-speech and the visuals are insane