This is the one boys.

Faster than Sonic and even if you fuck it up and have to slow down, the animations and situations are funny enough to not make you mad. It's also crazier and has way better moment to moment gameplay than Wario 4. It even has good bosses!

I have been thinking about triple A platformers design philosophies (mostly Nintendo games, Sonic and not much else) and in regards to Pizza Tower, they tend to conform to very specific design norms. Which is to say that there is a kind of not written obligation to have strict difficulty progressions, prioritizing stuff that tends to be alien to those games cores. For example, in Sonic games the first levels tend to be the funniest while the latter ones usually bloat themselves with ideas that conform to what latter levels in a platforming video game should look like instead of what Sonic is at its core.

Well, Pizza Tower has none of those problems. Everything that happens, everything that Peppino does, is true to its own insanity. When you finish the game you are left wondering if everything that occurred in it was a delusional dream of a madman instead of a well choreographed video game. Maybe because the key to good video games has more to do with live giving madness than with boring to death design templates.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2023


1 year ago

Vendido. También me llama uno que van a sacar que está inspirado en los Wario Land.

1 year ago

Este te lo recomiendo del todo! Cual es el otro que dices? (si te ape agrega mi otra cuenta con la que te seguí hace poco en tuitah, que por algún motivo no me deja recuperar mi antigua cuenta XD Para comentar cosas del demons roots :3 )

1 year ago

Pues no me ha llegado a llegar notificación sobre nadie que me siga... y si diera con el juego ese que digo, te lo comento. Es un tío barbudo con un martillo al que se le pone la cara roja cuando se enfada. Y también va rapidillo.

1 year ago

Lo encontré! Antonblast. Por lo que veo en la cuenta, parece que ambos juegos parten de Wario Land?

1 year ago

Estoy aquí ahora @IgnasiVias1 hasta que recupere mi cuenta, que ya a saber jajajaj
Ah! El antonblast, esa mezcla rara de wario con arkanoid, pinta curioso, me salió el otro día en youtube