Games I am reluctant to go back to because I sucked so badly at them

Nothing here!

Teen me went to the Arcade and all the X-Men COTA machines were taken so I put $1 into a MK3 cabinet for the pleasure of watching the opponent slaughter me in what was essentially a cutscene


I lost to Gabby Jay. My friend: "I didn't know it was possible to lose to him". I restarted and lost to Gabby Jay again.


Yeeeah I don't think this one is my fault. The game is inscrutable


This was teen-me's introduction to RTS, and made me realize I suck at RTS in general.


I process colors very well so I'm good at Puyo clones. I have abysmal spatial awareness though


What is up with the dual-turn mechanic... my characters keep attacking thin air


3 years ago

im glad you pointed out tetris is a shameless puyo clone...few will acknowledge this

3 years ago

Hey, with some practice, I'm sure you could get Super Punch Out down.

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