Killer7 is a game I thought I was going to hate. Prior to playing this game I had sectioned it off in my brain as a game for pretentious assholes, one with an overly esoteric plot and with gameplay that is designed to be tedious, as a sort of meta-commentary at the expense of the player. Still, I decided I should take the plunge and got it for dirt cheap on sale. I went in expecting to dislike the game, but from the moment I killed that first Mother Smile with Dan's charge shot, I was completely hooked.

Every ounce of Killer7 oozes this deeply unique, unflinchingly bold charm. When Killer7 says something, it does so without stuttering. Someday, I'd like to write a longer piece on the greater details of Killer7's narrative. Instead, I'm just gonna gush about all the different things that I love about this game.

I love every single member of the titular Killer7. Each member has totally distinct designs and gameplay types, and I got pretty even use out of each character. Garcian, Coyote, and Dan were the standouts for me, but that doesn't make the other characters bad by any means. From what I've seen online, everyone comes out of Killer7 with differing favorites. I love the aesthetic of this game, from its beautiful cel-shaded graphics to its "futuristic" UI design. Every little bit of design in this game feels intentional, which in turn makes it very satisfying to dissect and consume. I shockingly loved the on-rails shooter gameplay of Killer7, and found it viscerally satisfying to play through. I even loved the filler text in this game. When Coyote uses his ability to jump, the text reads "The Eagle has landed on the roof", or when you use a ring it goes, "(Ring name) howls". It's just the extra effort to characterize even the most basic of actions that made me completely enamored with this game.

If there's anyone out there who may be on the fence about this game like I was, I implore you to give Killer7 a try. I will be thinking about this game for a very long time.

Reviewed on Jul 21, 2023
