Log Status






Time Played

60h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 11, 2023

First played

November 13, 2023

Platforms Played


My impression is that after making Undernauts, Experience Inc. pumped out another game in pretty short order using the exact same engine with a new coat of paint. The combat and systems are lifted right out of Undernauts. It has 1:1 the exact same combat, the same classes, the same skills, the same progression systems, and it even has boosts. The only thing really unique about it is the art style, which I would classify as a pedo-aesthetic.

While the story isn't bad, it barely warrants commentary. Almost nothing happens in the game, and there's basically only 3 characters that exist in the entire universe.

I would really only recommend this game to DRPG obsessives who have already played all the other ones. If you haven't played Undernauts, just play Undernauts. If you have played Undernauts, you can probably just skip this one.