I've heard the original games are better for various reasons, but these remakes are simply awful. Convoluted and uninteresting.

The fact that this was written by 1 guy is criminal.

How can 1 guy be so talented?

Some of the worst writing ever. The quality-of-life upgrades that allow speeding everything up are amazing and necessary. Combat is enjoyable, as usual.

One of the worst Experience Inc. games.

I've heard the original games are better for various reasons, but these remakes are simply awful. Convoluted and uninteresting.

This is the best Experience Inc. RPG experience to date. Possibly with the exception of Ray Gigant, which has a lot of unique systems going on that separate it from pretty much all the other Experience Inc. games.

I have a lot to say about this game, but no time to say it right now.

Simply one of the best strategy RPGs made in the last decade.

It offers a Paper Mario-style quick-time event system for buffing actions in combat that you can opt out of if you want due to its amazing accessibility options.

I have a lot to say about Ikenfell, but it requires more consideration than I can give it right now.

I really wish they'd make 1 visual novel where the villain isn't just a dumbass who thinks he's doing good by doing bad.

Also, the villain's motivations are really stupid, which make it impossible to sympathize them, as it's hard to imagine someone could do something so stupid while wanting to do good.

Faithful 3D recreation of Risk of Rain. Pretty impressed.

I had some hopes for this game, but ultimately it's extremely slow, boring, and buggy. I don't hate it. I just don't like it.

I remember renting this game and playing it for hours a day, trying every single combination of options to see what kind of cool events would play out.

Ultimately it's kind of a precursor to modern roguelikes, with a focus on starting from scratch (with benefits unlocked from previous playthroughs) and using information you got from your last playthrough to make different choices.