BioShock 2007

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 30, 2021

Platforms Played


that ending was one of the most anticlimactic things i have experienced. the boss was incredibly easy and the cutscene seemed kind of shoddily made.

the world design and aesthetic are great.

combat is decent. not too much variety even with the plasmids and the guns don't feel amazing or anything. seemed like there wasn't nearly enough ammo. by the end of it i was sick of fighting the same enemies over and over to the point where i just froze everyone and ran past them.

plot twist is good; i predicted it from the start but that could have just been from cultural osmosis. ryan, tenenbaum and fontaine weren't super interesting but i appreciate the objectivist criticism.

not a big fan of the decision to progress the game with fetch quests. would have honestly maybe appreciated a more focused design. also the escort mission with the little girl at the end kinda blows.