Really wanted to love this game, the visuals, music, setting, and atmosphere are GREAT exactly the kinda thing I would expect to love but it's kind of a huge slog, has some serious balancing issues and the exploration and internet references get really grating after a while.

Battles just feel like a test of attrition and how many potions and mp items you bought previously, I think having the players HP and MP refill upon level up could make everything a lot more bearable but most fights are either way too easy or just a matter of spamming health potions hoping your opponent misses or does something dumb so you can get a hit or two in. At best it's forgettable and at worst its "hard" in like the worst way possible.

Want to love this game but just something about the balancing and map design gets kind of infuriating which I didn't have an issue with in 2

This game honestly feels like a super rough draft that somehow didn't get polished all the way to release.
Got some good stuff in here but everything else brings it down so hard.

I think this game is kinda overrated, dont get me wrong it's decent but it's such a slog

The way the Devs treat this game is a little infuriating sometimes but it's still a ton of fun.

This was the first Paper Mario game I played and I could tell it was awful, just really boring.

The vibes on this game are immaculate, also foudn this game and played it while I was inebriated and it was a great time.

Feel like this games kinda overhated but it's definitely not good lol

I didn't even like this as a kid man, i thought the art and junk was really cool but the gameplay was just kinda whatever and it ended so quickly

Honestly just did not vibe with this game at all, game play is like, too restrictive to have any kind of self expression factor but also too loose to really call it a puzzle game and both of these things just lead to frustration. As admirable and challenging it is to tell a story without just telling you whats happening and having the story emerge amid gameplay I just think its been done better in other games like dark souls.
Also did not like the music very much I found it kind of annoying.

Really wanted this to replace pokemon go for me but when I have my max number of pikmin out it lags my phone HARD and I can't do anything, feel like this game isnt the best optomized.

Think this was the first switch game I ever bought and I was so excited to get into it but I just thought it was ok, I may just not like twin stick shooters though idk