Really improves on everything from the original. Love the added focus on puzzle elements.

It's a fun, gory, hack and slash game that convinced the industry every game should be like this for the next 5 years for better or worse.

The best game to come out of Ubisoft in years, honestly. Solid Metroidvania gameplay with the stellar design principles of Rayman Origins/Legends sprinkled in. I really hope Ubisoft Montpellier can have more of a future outside of working on vaporware because this is fantastic.

The writing is all over the place and could have been handled a lot better, but the atmosphere was honestly really impressive and got me excited for what a potential, new SH game could be in the future. The game is free, you'll probably be done in 3 hours, what do you have to lose? Try it before listening to Youtube people who make money off of calling everything shit.

I wanted to like this game but it was awful. It looks like an okay survival horror but the very first combat encounter is one the player purposely has to lose. I enabled auto aim at the cost of not being able to gain as much currency when fighting enemies and it barely had any effect. Notes are not collected in a menu like any good survival horror series like Silent Hill and Resident Evil so if I want to read anything I either have to screenshot or go all the way back. One of the first enemies is able to kill you in one hit and saving the game costs in-game currency, sure, the RE ink ribbons are annoying but at least I know how many saves I'm allowed, making it the currency which there seems to be a set amount of means I could end up stuck if I save too much. The game has an option for tank controls but you can't use a d-pad so there's literally no point in using it and modern controls will leave you running back towards enemies when you're trying to get away due to the changing camera angles. The graphics and overall tone of the game are quite appealing but this game gets so many key aspects of a survival horror wrong that it's downright infuriating to play. Sadly I cannot recommend.