8 reviews liked by jaye_05

forced to walk slowly
random la noire investigation segment that has to be in every AAA game now for some reason
riding on horseback across a somewhat pretty but empty world until you reach your next objective
cutsc-hooooonk shoooo hooonk shooo

You Do Not Say Hello To Your Neighbor In This Game.

I hate that I waited 7 years to finally pick this up.
Easily the best FPS experience I've had since Doom - a game that came out in the same year, teamed up with this title, and said "hey, what if shooters were fucking fast again?" An utter joy of an FPS with a phenomenal pair of leading characters and a movement system I am now addicted to.
Maybe one day I'll try out Apex. If I ever stop Playing Titanfall.

very fun i like killing myself

1 list liked by jaye_05

by B0ssZeke |

30 Games